Background: Changes in psychiatric services mean more young persons have to care for a mentally ill family member or friend while they themselves are in the sensitive transition to adulthood.
Objective: Compare the impact of two interventions, a web-based support and a folder support, for young persons who care for people who suffer from mental illness.
Method: This study was a randomized control trial, following the CONSORT statements and eConsort support. Primary outcome variable was stress, and secondary outcome variables were caring situation, general self-efficacy, well-being, health, and quality of life of young informal carers (N=241). Data were collected in June 2010 to April 2011, with self-assessment questionnaires three times, four months apart, comparing the two interventions and also to detect changes.
Results: The result showed that stress levels were high in both groups at baseline, but decreased significantly in the folder group. The folder group had significant improvement in their caring situation (also significantly different from the web group), general self-efficacy, well-being, and quality of life. The web group show significant increase in well-being.
Conclusion: Young informal carers who take on the responsibility for people close to them with mental illness; suffer consequences on their own health. They live in a life-situation characterized by high stress and low well-being. This signals a need for support for these young persons.
Clinical relevance: The findings in this study are uniquely valuable because of the target group and the comparison of two different interventions to support them. The non-significant differences in the data show that each intervention can be effective, and that it depends upon the individual’s preferences. This highlights the importance of adopting person-centred approach, in which young persons can themselves choose support strategy