The advancement of digital technologies is driving traditional product oriented businesses to move from selling product to selling solutions. In order to exploit business potentials from technology, it is important to understand the potential of the technology and how it influences the value creation in a digital environment where it is developed and to be deployed. To understand this changing environment, I have studied remote diagnostics as an example of digital technology within the vehicle industry as a source of new value for business. The findings show that digitized products not only helps to solve existing problems in providing services but also provides potential to generate value for new products and services in the networked environment. An implication from the findings for product oriented firms is that value creation with digitized products requires new business processes. Based on the findings, a discussion is presented about how generativity influences value creation via value in design, governance and networking in a digital ecosystem.
The advancement in digital technologies drives industries to change their core businesses which present number of challenges. One of them is transformation of manufacturing industries towards servitization. This paper reports empirical findings from an on-going project related to servitization in the age of digital innovation. The research study is in the context of the vehicle industry and concerns e-maintenance services based on remote diagnostics technologies. It explores the servitization of vehicle industry in the age of digital innovation. Such innovations embark challenges to innovation environment. A study in this regard has been conducted and it revealed the challenges related to the design, organizational strategy and organizational transformation.
Advancement in digital technology is rapidly changing the contemporary landscape of business and associated networks for manufacturing firms. Many traditional physical products are now being embedded with digital components, providing them digital capability to become digitized products. The digitization of physical products has become an important driver for digital service innovation within manufacturing industries. Such digital service innovation transforms value networks of manufacturing firms in various industries. While digitization of products and digital service innovation can be observed in many manufacturing industries, this thesis focuses on the transformation of value networks within the vehicle industry.
This thesis is a collection of papers and a cover paper. The thesis reports from a collaborative project in the vehicle industry. The project explored new digital services for vehicles based on remote diagnostics technology. The exploration and conceptualization of digital services is investigated in a collaborative manner with participants from the vehicle industry. The results reflect that there is a paradigm shift for manufacturing firms digitizing their products, and stretching the business scope from product to solution oriented business.
This thesis contributes to the existing literature on digital innovation with insights on the transformation of value networks in the vehicle industry. The research question addressed in this thesis is: How are value networks of manufacturing firms transformed by digital service innovation? To answer the question, this thesis conceptualizes how the value creating pattern of digitized products transforms value networks of manufacturing firms. A model is presented that reflects how the symbiotic value relationship between the digitized product and digital services transforms the roles, relationships and exchanges in the value networks of manufacturing firms. The model can serve as an analytical tool to further advance the knowledge on business aspects in digital innovation. This thesis contributes to practice by providing an understanding of how manufacturing firms can leverage value of digitized products and digital services in value networks.
This paper reports from preparations in an ongoing research study concerning how digital service innovation transforms value networks in manufacturing industries. The research study is in the context of the vehicle industry and concerns digital e-maintenance services based on remote diagnostics systems. This digital service innovation in particular is of great importance since manufacturing industries have great potential to expand their business and found new and extended boundaries and relationships with other stakeholder in a network they are attached to. Core challenges and opportunities for digital service innovation will lead us to the study of its influence on the business and innovation environment i.e. the value network. This paper presents a framework to study how digital service innovation transforms value networks based on literature reviews on value network, digital innovation and transformation of value networks.
This paper reports from preparations in an ongoing research study concerning how digital service innovation transforms value networks in the vehicle industry. The research study concerns digital services based on remote diagnostics systems. This digital service innovation in particular is of great importance since the vehicle industry has great potential to expand its business and found new and extended boundaries and relationships with other stakeholder in the networks they are attached to. Core challenges and opportunities for digital service innovation will lead us to the study of its influence on the business and innovation environment i.e. the value network. In this paper, we propose three propositions to study transformation from product oriented value networks to digital service oriented value networks.
Information Visualization applications are dealing with fundamental difficulties related to overlap in cognitive models between designers and users, goal ambiguity, and accuracy in search strategies These difficulties are more obvious in applications aimed at reducing information overload by general users, than in applications aimed at visualising scientific data. General users have very likely quite different cognitive reference for approaching an abstract complex task, than designers. This can result in designs which can unintentionally increase information overload by users. In visualisation of scientific data the overlap of cognitive reference between specialists and designs is very likely much higher, but we need methods which can facilitate data exploration in real-time interaction. One possibility to facilitate exploration in a more or less systematic way is by means of metaphors which can support human perception in searching for patterns.
Self-tracking devices and apps often measure and provide interpretations of personal data in a rather straightforward way, for instance by visualising the speed and distance of a run or the quality of sleep during a night. There is however a growing number of devices that take the data analysis further by providing insights and algorithmic advices about domains of our lives that are otherwise thought of as difficult to grasp. This paper explores two devices of this kind, namely the Moodmetric and the ŌURA which are two recently released smart rings with associated mobile apps that claim to measure emotions and rest, promote happiness and help users to perform better. Whereas several studies have shed light over how users engage with self-tracking apps and devices, little attention has been paid to how these technologies stem from dreams, hopes and imaginaries of designers and developers. This paper approaches self-tracking from a producer perspective in order to frame how users and their everyday lives are imagined by designers and how these assumptions are built into the technologies. Empirically, the paper is based on a content analysis of blog posts, marketing materials and user guides from the ŌURA and Moodmetric companies along with video interviews with company representatives as well as recordings of their public appearances. Engaging with the field of software studies as well as the emerging field of self-tracking studies, this paper aims at providing a basis for further design oriented studies of self-tracking.
In this paper we argue that a combination of Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and Genre Theory can constitute a theoretical framework for understanding how digital genres evolve. Genre theory states that genres evolve over time through reciprocal interaction between institutionalized practices and individual action; that they develop from actors’ responses to recurrent situations, and are shaped around characteristics as content, form, functionality and purpose. Genres emerge out of practice and at the same time they shape that practice. While genre theory can describe the characteristics of a genre, it cannot handle the process of how a genre is formed and what powers and forces are involved in this shaping process. In order to address this problem, several authors have incorporated structuration theory into genre analysis. However, structuration theory can only catch these constitutional processes of genre in a very broad manner. As a genre is evolving and stabilizing over time in interplay with different actors, it goes beyond what is possible to explain only by means of structuration theory. Instead, ANT could work as a tool to capture the process of how a genre takes form in negotiations with different stakeholders. In this paper we discuss how genre theory and ANT can be combined in a framework for analyzing emerging genres. We apply this theoretical framework on an e-newspaper project that embodies a new genre in the making. We will here show how evolving genre characteristics are developed, formed and stabilized in a negotiation and struggle between the involved actors when they translate their interests in ways that finally are resulting in a new genre.
Social media increasingly condition how public authorities build legitimacy when engaging with citizens. In this paper we report on a study of the increasing use of and exposure to social media and social networking platforms in two Swedish public authorities, the Social Insurance Agency (SIA) and the police force. Although formally grounded on the same civic principles, the two authorities have significantly different approaches to social media as a way to generate internal and external legitimacy. SIA has mainly implemented an e-government approach to rationalize services to become more efficient and customer oriented, by using social media as one of several media channels. The police force, however, adopted an e-governance approach to build legitimacy through interaction and reflexive discussion between government and citizens as a way to create transparency and nuance citizens’ attitude towards the police force. Building on a two-dimensional public government/governance framework, we reflect on how the two studied authorities’ social media practices shape and are shaped by different governing practices in their legitimacy work.
This paper aims to contribute to the participatory tradition in health informatics by presenting a model for reflective participatory design emerging from qualitative fieldwork in a participatory project aimed to improve the health and wellbeing of older people in the northern periphery regions of Europe, through new mobile services. The model brings together two established processes in novel ways: systems development and user participation. Within each process three concepts are presented to facilitate discussion and reflection at the concept level, the process level and the integrated process level.
Intensified and matured use of internet-based technologies aimed to facilitate development and innovation are increasingly characterized by a mixture of physical and digital locations; commonly referred to as places and spaces. The aim of this paper was therefore to identify different types of places and spaces central for the innovation milieus and processes of Living Lab projects, illustrate their impact on both process and results, and develop guidelines for space that can be designed in order to facilitate value-driven and democratized innovation. Based on a literature review and a cross case analyses different aspects of space, relevant for Innovation and Living Lab studies, have been identified: 1) local-global; 2) physical and digital, and 3) private-public. In the paper we focus on these concepts as tools for understanding present day innovation and we examples of how digital technology has influenced placement and permeability in relation to place and space.
In this article, we propose the concepts of places and spaces as conceptual tools to facilitate the organization of innovation activities within living labs. We have taken a pragmatic perspective on these concepts regarding how they are integrated in design situations, and how different types of places and spaces can facilitate or hinder innovation. We have found that, by applying openness, realism, and influence in the different spaces of our living lab milieus, they have transformed into many different places depending on the stakeholders involved, the methods chosen, and the facilitation of activities. Hence, by understanding this line of reasoning, living lab managers can make more informed decisions and plans for innovation activities.
A new trend of user involvement in open innovation processes has emerged. Concurring with this trend the Living Lab concept has been re-vitalized. This concept has attracted attention lately, but there exist no coherent view. In this paper we discuss and define the concept and propose five key components and five key principles for Living Labs based on experiences from over 30 development and research projects within two Living Labs, Botnia Living Lab and Halmstad Living Lab. The key components are: ICT & Infrastructure; Management; Partners & Users; Research; and Approach. The key principles are: Openness; Influence; Realism; Value; and Sustainability. Our proposed definition of a Living Lab is: A Living Lab is a user-centric innovation milieu built on every-day practice and research, with an approach that facilitates user influence in open and distributed innovation processes engaging all relevant partners in real-life contexts, aiming to create sustainable values.
Much of the information produced in hospitals is clinical, and stored for the purposes of documentation. In practice, most of it is never used. The potential of analytics is to reuse this information for other purposes. This is easier said than done, because of technical, semantic, legal and organizational hindrances. In particular, hospitals are not organized to leverage the value of big data. In this study we ask, how can we conceptualize analytics as an integrated part of hospital processes? And, how can we develop and organize an analytics capability in a large hospital? Our empirical evidence is a longitudinal study in a high-tech hospital in Norway, where we followed the development of an analytics capability, and assessed the organizational benefits. We offer two findings. First, we show how the analytics process interacts with the hospital logistics processes in a sense- and respond cycle. Second, we demonstrate how analytics capability is built on the institutionalized network of technology, an analytics team and the administrative and clinical decision makers. © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.
While it is generally accepted that patient centred care should be the guiding principle for the delivery of health services, it is not yet clear how this should be digitalised. What is clear, however, is that the current IT solutions are not satisfactory. In this research, we suggest the affordance construct as an analytical lens to understand how technological artefacts and human agency can generate action possibilities to support horizontal process innovation by asking: (i) which affordances enable digitalisation of patient centred healthcare, and (ii) how can these identified affordances be leveraged to innovate patient centred digital hospitals.
Our empirical evidence is a comparative study of two hospitals in Sweden and Norway. Our theoretical contribution is the identification of six horizontal affordances for patient centred care. The practical contribution is that horizontal affordances emerge through configurations of human actors and lightweight IT solutions, loosely coupled to heavy weight systems.
In the context of digital innovation, this paper discusses co-creation of digital services with the help of translation processes described in the Actor-Network Theory (ANT). While using the translation processes such as problematization, interessement and enrolment, the paper delineates how different stakeholders can be involved in the co-creation of innovative digital services. Thus the paper makes a contribution by presenting the co-creation of digital services in the perspective of translation processes of ANT by showing how different actors can be involved in co-creation of digital services. ‘Establishing trust on digital innovation’ and ‘prioritization during digital innovation’ are identified as influential issues for the involvement of actors during digital innovation. In that way, the paper also makes contribution to the emerging literature on digital innovation.
Manufacturing firms are now embedding digital technology into products with an aim to offer digital services to their customers. Digital services create opportunities for firms to add new value dimensions to their businesses as firms now can expand their businesses from tangible products to digital services. Existing research explains three value dimensions. ‘Value-in-exchange’ is traditionally followed by manufacturing firms where they determine monetary value for their products and exchange the value with customers. Recent research argues that ‘value-in-exchange’ is not customer centric and therefore to gain customer value, ‘value-in-use’ and ‘value-in-cocreation’ are necessary. With growing utilization of embedded digital technology in products, new digital services are rendered and new value dimensions are emanating. Existing research informs little about the value dimensions of digital services that result from the combination of digital technology and tangible products. Therefore, in this research, we seek answer to the question, ‘What are the value dimensions of digital services that are enabled by embedded digital technology in tangible products?’ A qualitative study has been conducted to investigate Remote Diagnostics Services (RDS) for vehicles. Along with the three known value dimensions, that is, value-in-exchange, value-in-use and value-incocreation, this research contributes to knowledge by showing two new value dimensions: ‘value-in-connectivity’ and ‘value-in-architecture’.
The digitalization of products has become an important driver for service innovation in manufacturing firms. The embedding of digital technology in previously non-digital products creates digitalized product platforms that enable digital service innovation. Digital service innovation offers new business opportunities for manufacturing industries, as well as challenges established premises for value creation. While digital service innovation can be found in many manufacturing industries, this thesis studies service logic in digitalized product platforms in the vehicle industry.
Existing Information Systems (IS) literature presents challenges in digital service innovation relating to value, architecture, and generativity. The design of the architecture of digitalized product platforms requires the identification and combination of digital and non-digital assets. Understanding the architectural aspects is useful in digital service innovation. Moreover, with growing instances of generative digital technologies, it is challenging to develop strategies to leverage generativity for service design in digitalized product platforms. While digital technologies are embedded in products, the role of technology-embeddedness in value creation of digital services is relatively unexplored. Drawing on these challenges, this thesis describes and conceptualizes the underlying premises brought by the architecture and generativity to the value creation of services in digitalized product platforms. The research question addressed in this thesis is: What are the underlying premises for services in digitalized product platforms?
To address the question, an interpretive qualitative research approach was adopted in a collaborative research project concerning services enabled by digitalization of vehicles. Drawing on digital innovation and service literature, this thesis presents a theoretical perspective on the role of the architecture and generativity of digitalized product platforms for value creation of digital services. This perspective is conceptualized as underlying premises for this specific class of services. The premises frame the service logic in digitalized product platforms and provide a ground for understanding services in digitalized product platforms in relation to value dimensions, architecture and generativity. The premises are based on five concepts: value-in-architecture, value-in-connectivity, fundamental asset for value creation, mutual dependence of modular and layered modular assets, and re-evaluation of value propositions. The proposed premises offer a basis for understanding value creation of this class of services, and guidance for manufacturing firms designing digitalized product platforms.
Remote diagnostics is expanding the business scope of vehicle manufacturers, ranging from products to services. In this paper, we focus on investigating the business challenges and opportunities related to the remote diagnostics of vehicles from an IT-based resource perspective. Remote diagnostics involves technology, human skills and intangibles. IT-based resources consist of physical IT infrastructure, human IT skills and IT-enabled intangibles. In this study, we find that remote diagnostics not only faces challenges in these three categories of IT-based resource, but also creates opportunities. One contribution of this paper is to provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities for business related to the technology. The paper also makes a contribution to information systems by shedding light on the discussion of digital infrastructure. It also highlights the application of IT-based resource perspective to find out the business challenges and opportunities of an emerging technology like remote diagnostics.
E-maintenance offers various opportunities as well as challenges in contemporary business undergoing transformation. This paper provides an overview of opportunities and challenges in different areas related to e-maintenance. Literature review and empirical findings through action oriented research give way to identify and present these opportunities and challenges. One contribution of the paper is, it finds the opportunities and challenges with e-maintenance in different industries which creates a pathway for future direction in further studies regarding e-maintenance. The findings indicate that there is much potential to study these with respect to technology and business.
This paper reports business related challenges and opportunities for e-maintenance as an emerging customer value generating IT-enabled resource. The research study is concerned with the e- maintenance based on remote diagnostics in the vehicle industry. E-maintenance of vehicles is of great importance as e-maintenance technology has great potential to provide various state of the art maintenance related services for the vehicles. This emerging technology brings challenges and opportunities to generate value both for the companies and their customers. In this paper, we have presented several business related challenges and opportunities for e-maintenance. In the form of a set of propositions, the contribution of this paper is to conceptualize e-maintenance as an emerging customer value generating IT-enabled resource by showing challenges and opportunities related to it.
In this paper, we characterize the architecture of digital services that are enabled by embedded technology. Digitalization with embedded technology in physical products has become a common phenomenon. In spite of growing instance of such digitalization, little is known about the architectural characteristics of digital services enabled by embedded technology. Based on a research on vehicular remote diagnostics services, we characterize the architecture of such digital services. Following the framework on layered modular architecture continuum, our findings provide the following architectural characteristics: i) the architecture of the digital services spans along the layered modular architecture continuum, ii) the application program of the digital services is simultaneously de-coupled and partly coupled with the embedded devices, iii) there exist layers within layer of the digital services, iv) application program layer of the digital services is a closed innovation platform. © 2014 IEEE
In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework for identifying the logic of digital services. Digital services are those services that we acquire after the digitalization of previously non-digital products or services. The objective of the framework is to apply it in identifying the logic of digital services which are the results of digital innovation in the context of remote diagnostic services in the vehicle industry. While building the framework, looking at the transformation of the non-digital to digital service and the involvement of physical products, i.e., digital devices in the transformation, it was found essential to identify the logic of the digital services on the basis of service logic and goods logic.For that purpose, we have reviewed the literature on service logic and goods logic as those logics discuss differently about the determination and meaning of value, role of customer, role of physical products, primary unit of exchange and some other aspects which are important to know in case of transforming a non-digital service to digital service. These logics and the concept of digital innovation are utilized in building the framework for identifying the logic of digital services.
The digitalization of products stimulates service innovation and new business opportunities for industrial manufacturing firms. These opportunities are driven by generativity, which denotes digital technology's capacity in enabling organizations to innovate. While generativity on the one hand provides opportunities for digital service innovation, on the other hand, it challenges the traditional business logic of industrial manufacturing firms. The traditional stable product-centric businesses where resources of a product platform are controlled by industrial manufacturing firms become destabilized and driven towards a flexible service innovation. The aim of this research is to explore the implications of generativity for service innovation in digitalized product platforms. We show the paradoxical relationship between generativity and control by following a bus manufacturer's endeavor in service innovation with digitalized public transport buses. We contribute with empirical illustrations of the implications for service innovation with three different degrees of control in digitalized product platforms. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd.
This paper describes a case of collaboration between academia and business firms in supporting innovation processes. The research developed into a firm-supportive model called the CILO method, named after the CILO project (communication in learning organisations). We describe the outcomes from applying the CILO method in relation to one of the partner companies and discuss the methodological implications in relation to established research models. We propose the notion of firmsupportive research as a concept to consider in research aiming at developing business firms.
This paper describes the proposed research approach of a research projectcalled, Communication Enabling the Implementation of Innovation. The point of departurefor the project is a view on innovation described as hard work rather than mere creativityor inventions. This leads to the conclusion that innovation processes can be supportedand enhanced through planned activities. The paper promotes a perspective linkinginnovation to the well established concept of a learning organization. The aim for theresearch project is threefold; 1) to generate a method for the development on an indexmeasuring “innovation maturity” of organizations. 2) to generate specific measures ofinnovation processes and 3) to develop a feedback system enhancing the innovativeorganizations towards a learning organization.
The digital age has seen the rise of service systems involving highly distributed, heterogeneous, and resource-integrating actors whose relationships are governed by shared institutional logics, standards, and digital technology. The cocreation of service within these service systems takes place in the context of a paradoxical tension between the logic of generative and democratic innovations and the logic of infrastructural control. Boundary resources play a critical role in managing the tension as a firm that owns the infrastructure can secure its control over the service system while independent firms can participate in the service system. In this study, we explore the evolution of boundary resources. Drawing on Pickering’s (1993) and Barrett et al.’s (2012) conceptualizations of tuning, the paper seeks to forward our understanding of how heterogeneous actors engage in the tuning of boundary resources within Apple’s iOS service system. We conduct an embedded case study of Apple’s iOS service system with an in-depth analysis of 4,664 blog articles concerned with 30 boundary resources covering 6 distinct themes. Our analysis reveals that boundary resources of service systems enabled by digital technology are shaped and reshaped through distributed tuning, which involves cascading actions of accommodations and rejections of a network of heterogeneous actors and artifacts. Our study also shows the dualistic role of power in the distributed tuning process.
Facilitating distributed co-creative activities within an innovation process involving multi-stakeholder perspectives such as diverse user groups, designers and organizational representatives is a challenging task. The distance on a conceptual level between participants has the potential to lead to both barriers and opportunities for co-creative activities, while also changing the role of the facilitator. The paper aim to explore this phenomenon further through the research question: How can facilitators work towards bridging conceptual distance between stakeholders in distributed multi-stakeholder co-creative innovation processes?’
The researcher investigated the work of facilitators within a co-creative innovation process of user generated content services with the media industry through a case study. A theoretical framework centered around communities of practice and boundary spanning were used to gain an understanding of the facilitators work. The study concludes that the development of a shared language, use of boundary objects to aid translation and outer-level brokering before and during innovation activities are important processes that a facilitator use to decrease conceptual distance.
Digitization and contemporary use of social media platforms is changing how we perceive and use IT, both in organizations and as citizens or consumers. These developments have also transformed and changed many industries, bringing both opportunities and challenges. One industry that was affected by digitization relatively early is the media industry, leading to studies on online journalism, gatekeeping, reader interaction and other changing practices enabled by IT.
This study attempts to highlight the IT infrastructure behind the changing practice to understand the relationship between the IT and the use. Through an online ethnography, this paper investigates the use of social media platforms in the newspaper industry. The findings indicate that newspapers either use an integration strategy, where they relinquish control over the feature to the social media platform, or an appropriation strategy where they take the integration a step further, to have the social media platform work for them.
Co-creation and open innovation is changing the context for virtual work and the role of culture in boundary spanning. Organizations that are opening up to embrace a more open way of innovating often meet heterogeneous stakeholders. Culture in IS research is often analyzed on an organizational level, however, boundary spanning in innovation work calls for theorizing culture on several levels. This study addresses the role of culture in a boundary spanning innovation project within the newspaper industry where end-users and newspaper representatives collaborated to design a new e-service.We apply grid-group theory to unfold the complexity of virtual open innovation and conclude that stakeholders from both inside and outside the organization need to cross cultural boundaries to align themselves with other actors in order to help facilitate collaboration. The findings indicate that boundary spanners move between cultural positions based on differing cultural values in relation to other involved stakeholders.
The news media ecosystem has expanded over the years leading up to today’s society to include advertisers, newspapers and other media houses, content producers, along with new players like social media platforms to together form a value packed mix of services for end-users to embrace. The shift from being a dominant platform owner concerning the printed paper, often with its own distribution network, presents the newspaper with many challenges when transforming into, or entering other platform owners’ ecosystems. While previous research has mainly focused on the newspaper industry’s development of strategies for embracing social media into their ecosystem, this study investigates newspaper workers’ social media usage for the purpose of attracting attention and generating value. The study of newspaper workers’ practices shows that, moving into digital platforms controlled by other dominant actors in the ecosystem, workers enact a tactical approach. Two tactics are identified: adaption and exploitation. The paper contributes with empirical insights into how newspaper workers develop practices to embrace social media that goes beyond previous research on social media strategy. We also apply the theory of everyday tactics developed by Michel de Certeau as a scaffold to theorize newspaper positioning in the rapidly changing news media landscape.
This paper presents a user driven approach to creating user generated content services together with newspaper representatives and researchers in a Living Lab setting. Two cases are discussed, one with creating city district blogs and one with creating a site for un-employed youth. In each case both situated and distributed design activities were conducted, and the paper discusses the challenges with this approach. As the newspaper industry traditionally designs their services in-house from their own ideas and thereafter tests them with their readers, a user driven approach by readers was very challenging. However, the newspaper representatives also found it rewarding to embrace their ideas. The participating readers were very active in the situated activities but only a few continued the same activity online. The paper concludes by proposing a model for how to view the changing role of a researcher or facilitator in these types of setting. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Halmstad Living Lab has extended experience of working closely with end-users in cocreation projects and has, during recent years, started to experiment more and more with social software and other online software programs to include users in the innovation process. In this paper we draw upon our experiences as a Living Lab to generate a framework that details key criteria for implementation of social software in a Living Lab setting. The framework can be used to guide successful implementation of social software in co-creation projects and to help evaluate or assess proposed solutions to be used in a Living Lab setting to support user involvement.
Att drabbas av en svår eller kronisk sjukdom under barndomen kan bidra till fysiska och psykosociala svårigheter senare i livet. Kamratstöd mellan individer som delar samma erfarenhet är en viktig främjande faktor till hälsa och välbefinnande och kan verka som en buffert mot stress och motgångar. Empirisk evidens som kan vägleda utveckling av digitala och interaktiva lösningar för kamratstöd mellan barn som drabbas av sjukdom i skolåldern är idag begränsad. Den process som presenteras här är fokuserad på att etablera metodologi för barns delaktighet i innovationsprocesser och att fånga barns bakomliggande beteenden och mål relaterat till kamratstödjande processer och hälsa. Intervjuer i fokusgrupper är en teknik som främjar barns deltagande och fångar barns perspektiv, förståelse och erfarenhet relaterat till deras hälsa. Friska barn (8-12 år) rekryterades från en lokal grundskola till fyra fokusgrupper med fyra barn i varje grupp. Barnen träffades två gånger med en intervall på 1-2 veckor. Förändringar gjordes mellan varje fokusgrupp för att anpassa strukturen på träffarna till en nivå motsvarande barnens erfarenheter, ålder och förmåga och för att fokusera diskussionerna på innovationsprocessen. En blandning av informativa och kreativa tekniker som öppna frågor, brainstorming, rita och måla och fotografering användes för att underlätta för barnen att uttrycka sig. Barnen framförde efter deltagandet att de tyckte om att delta och ville träffas igen i den här formen av grupp. Vår anpassade struktur på fokusgrupper används idag med barn med erfarenhet av svår sjukdom (cancer) för att ta fram typanvändare (Personas) i innovationsprocessen. Barnen rekryterades från Barnonkologiskt centra i Lund och Hallands sjukhus i Halmstad till fem fokusgrupper med tre barn i varje grupp. Barns delaktighet genom vår metod har förbättrat förutsättningarna att fånga barns mål och beteende och tillfört unikt material till den fortsatta designprocessen.
Purpose: Surviving cancer during childhood imposes a number of difficulties later in life. Peer support has been recognised as an important contributor to health and well-being but empirical evidence that could guide development of peer support programs for school aged children is scarce. The process presented here is focused on generic exploration of children’s needs and expectations related to peer support innovations to promote health and wellbeing of children with cancer. The purpose of this study is to establish a participatory innovation process that grasps the underlying behaviours and goals of children that will affect the design of a digital peer support service.
Methods: Focus group interview is a child-friendly technique that promotes participation and access to children’s perspectives, insights and experiences related to their health. Healthy children 8–12 years of age were recruited from a local elementary school. Focus groups (n = 5 groups) were carried out in two sessions for each group (n = 4 children per group) with an interval of 1–2 weeks. Adjustments were made between each focus group to adapt the meeting structure to a level commensurate with the children’s experience, age and abilities and to focus discussions on innovation incentives related to a digital peer support service.
Results: The adaptation process involved adjustments of the focus group structure to match children in the selected age group and to the aims of the innovation process. A mixture of informative and creative techniques (open questions, brainstorming, drawing, photography) assisted the children in talking and expressing themselves. The children were pleased to participate and wanted to meet again in this kind of study group. The adapted focus group sessions are now being used in the research and innovation process with children (8–12 yrs) with experience of cancer treatment.
Conclusion: The final focus group structure capture children’s perspectives for the design of a digital peer support service.
Based on repetitive visits to three Scandinavian Newspaper organizations, this paper presents an analysis of the evolution of the web news genre from 96 to 99. Genre awareness is an explanation of how users and designers create and maintain web site awareness beyond the individual site. In the paper genre is elaborated in terms of content, form, rationale and work. From the data it is concluded that web news by 99 possess characteristics that makes it distinctive from print media and web news sites from 96. The immediacy of the web affords the provision of news in a continuous pattern similar to “live” reporting. Primary content of web news is hard news that affords users to visit news sites throughout the day to stay informed. In comparison to print media, the web genre has introduced composites to support the users in navigating and browsing the content of a news site. Internal resistance towards new media has been reduced from 96 to 99 as a consequence of increased competition in the web media.
This paper discusses how embodied and emplaced learning cultures emerge through the use of self-tracking technologies. The findings are based in interviews with accustomed self-trackers, investigating how the produced corporeal data become part of how they experience and perceive their bodies and their environments. The empirical examples presented in the paper elaborate on the tangibility of these data and how they in their visual and touchable forms afford people to turn their attention toward previously unarticulated and visceral dimensions of embodied learning activities that are part of their everyday life. This includes examples of how people experience both gain and lack of meaning of data in self tracking activities, shifting focus from conceptualising data as ‘knowledge’ per se and instead focus on what and how people learn through their experience of data and how these learning cultures can be understood in a wider pedagogical context.
The purpose of this study is to understand how the cultural aspects of organizational agility affect digital innovation capability. In the context of increasing demand for fast-paced digital innovation, organizational agility becomes strategically crucial for large incumbent companies to increase their competitiveness. The literature on organizational agility shows that incumbents, with their vast access to resources, still can have limited ability to innovate and respond to change. This is in sharp contrast to startups, who sometimes are impressively innovative despite their very limited resources. Sometimes the incumbents are even outcompeted and disrupted by startups because of their ability to embrace change, and rapidly seize new business opportunities. However, we know little about why some incumbents are not able to use their resources efficiently for digital innovation and why some smaller startups can transcend these resource limitations. In this context, we find that cultural aspects are especially crucial as enablers for organizational agility in digital innovation. We designed a comparative study to investigate the differences in the influence of culture on organizational agility; and how it hinders or enables digital innovation, at both incumbent firms and startups in the automotive industry. We applied a qualitative research approach and selected semi-structured interviews as our main research method. The Competing Values Framework was used as a tool to categorize different cultures that affect organizational agility, but also to identify how and when tensions between values supported or hampered the organizations’ ability to innovate. Our findings show that, while a blend of Hierarchy and Market cultures inhibited the innovation capability, Clan and Adhocracy cultures promoted innovation. In our sample, the incumbents predominantly adhered to the first two cultures, while the startups typically belonged to the second group. The most successful startups were even able to create a combination of Clan and Adhocracy cultures — a concept we here term ‘Agile culture.’ This culture allowed them to reach a beneficial state of digital innovation growth. When it comes to the implications for research and practice, we found the need to analyze the role of culture for organizational agility; and how to utilize culture as an asset to enable digital innovation growth. One contribution is the identification of ‘Agile culture’ that is an amalgamation of Clan and Adhocracy culture. The value agile culture creates when applied, enables organizational agility, which can enhance digital innovation capability.
Den här studien behandlar social interaktion i kontextmedvetna musiktjänster. Problemområdet innefattar design av musiktjänster för att stödja musikens sociala funktioner. Studien genomfördes som en designstudie där workshops tillämpades för att generera den data som låg till grund för slutsatserna. Slutsatserna presenterades i form av fyra stycken designriktlinjer; Hantera och presentera användares identiteter, Stödja dialoger, Erbjuda indirekt interaktion och Erbjuda direkt interaktion. De är inte avsedda för att designa en produkt utan istället för att bidra med kunskap som ger en förståelse om effekten av en design.
Using big data in organizations has the potential to improve innovation, accuracy, and efficiency. Big data is also connected with risks for both the organization and society at large. It is therefore important to improve our understanding of potential consequences of implementing and using big data. We studied the Swedish Transport Administration to understand their attitude towards implementing big data for prediction of, for example, the need for road maintenance. The analysis identified four moral dilemmas that the organization deals with in connection to big data. We discuss these dilemmas from the perspective of practical wisdom. Practical wisdom is manifested in context-dependent actions connected to open-mindedness, reflection and judgment. It can be summed up as “the reasonable thing to do” in a unique situation where “not-knowing” is a helpful resource when making wise decisions. This paper seeks to shed light on the importance of practical wisdom when implementing big data.© 2021 IEEE Computer Society. All rights reserved.
The online newspapers entered the Internet in the mid-nineties and since then it has become moreand more common to read the news online. There is a long tradition of designing newspapers inprint and today there is a demand from both academics and practitioners for more knowledgeabout how to design user friendly news sites. By studying the evolution of the online newspapergenre it would be possible to suggest layout implications for further development within thegenre. In this paper we suggest a framework, applying genre theory, for identifying the stages ofevolution for online newspapers. In view of a page layout analysis of the front pages of 85Swedish online newspapers our framework extends Shepherd and Watters (1998) cybergenremodel by adding a fifth leaf node and elucidating the distinctions between the leaf nodes. Ourempirical results show that the online newspaper genre in Sweden is a heterogeneous genre withonline newspapers in different stages of evolution. We have identified and categorized all contentelements on the front pages and related them to form and functionality elements and positionedthem according to a columns and sections grid. By drawing on best practice due to occurrence wehave suggested some initial layout implications for further development within the onlinenewspaper genre.
The new e-paper technology has provided the newspaper companies with the possibility of publishing a portable digital e-newspaper with the same readability as in print media. The e-newspaper is converging print and online with the best from two worlds, i.e. the overview and familiar design of the printed edition and the interactivity and continuous updates of the web. Based on six workshops and 14 interviews with newspaper managers, and three brainstorming sessions with the e-paper steering group (consisting of representatives from the Swedish Newspaper Publishers’ Association and eight Swedish newspaper managers) I will discuss the challenges of introducing this new innovation.
This paper describes a collaborative approach to envision futuristic ubiquitous media services from a media house perspective and their audiences take on that. Within a 24-month action research and experimental prototyping project with nine newspaper, three prototypes and three movie clips were produced to illustrate a future vision. Based on the results from numerous questionnaires, interviews and workshops with readers and newspaper representatives, the project team suggested five futuristic services and three personas. The movie clips was based on initial findings regarding business value, advertising, integrity etc. and was made somewhat provocative to start a debate within the industry. The services in movie clips were finally evaluated by readers in online questionnaires. © 2012 AICIT.
Purpose – To examine the evolution of the online newspaper genre in Scandinavia. To provide an understanding of the institutional context in which online newspapers initially were produced and modified over time.
Design/methodology/approach – A longitudinal study of three different types of newspapers in three Scandinavian countries. The study is based on interviews with newspaper representatives conducted during recurring visits in 1996, 1999 and 2002, and web page analysis of their online newspapers.
Findings – The study illustrates how online newspapers have established a number of communicative practices significant for recognizing them as a distinct digital genre, and it outlines a set of institutional factors shaping the ongoing change of these newspapers. In addition, the study demonstrates the emergence of sequential interdependencies between online and printed news.
Originality/value – The focus on Scandinavian newspapers in this paper complements studies conducted in other parts of the world regarding online newspaper genre evolution.
This article presents the consumer view of an innovative m-service, that is, the e-newspaper, which is published for a mobile reading device equipped with an e-paper display. The research question of this article is: What are the implications of the consumer view of future m-service innovation on business models? In this article, we present empirical results from an online survey with 3,626 respondents representing the consumer view. The factor analysis revealed three aspects of consumer preferences, that is, Ubiquitous access, Prestige of news source and Local anchorage and advertising. These were then correlated with media behavior and e-newspaper preferences to indicate three possible market segments. We then discuss the implications that these consumer views could have on developing new business models, followed by a comparison to earlier research. Finally, we propose an integrated e-newspaper business model framework consisting of three models, ubiquitous, local, and prestige.
New publishing technologies, such as electronic paper (e-paper), bring new demands on newspaper publishers in the way they produce, publish and distribute their contents. E-paper as a new mobile publishing channel will not only be a technical challenge to the publishers, but will also change the consumption of news products. In this paper we take an outside-in perspective on the impact of this new channel, by taking a starting-point in possible new consumption. Based on three empirically founded scenarios of future consumption, we discuss what impact the e-paper publishing channel will have on distribution, systems of the media house, i.e. editorial, advertising and subscription, and on workflows.