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  • 1.
    Bengtsson, Daniel
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Waernqvist, Felicia
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Bilderna som Sportbladet skapar av Zlatan Ibrahimovic2012Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte: Projektets syfte är att undersöka vilka bilder som Sportbladet målar upp av fotbollsspelaren Zlatan IbrahimovicMetod: Netnografi och kritisk diskursanalys

    Teori: Existentiell hermeneutik och kritisk diskursanalys

    Resultat: Bilden av Zlatan Ibrahimovic målas upp av journalisten som i sin tur blir påverkad av läsare som skriver kommentarer till artiklarna

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    Bilderna som Sportbladet skapar av Zlatan Ibrahimovic
  • 2.
    Bengtsson, Hans
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Offentlig förvaltning: Att arbeta i demokratins tjänst2010Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Boken ger en överblick över organiseringen och den diskussion och problematik som präglar politik och förvaltning i ett pluralistiskt modernt samhälle. Frågan är t.ex. hur enskilda individers och gruppers behov av frihet och självbestämmande kan förenas med behovet av ömsesidiga hänsynstaganden och gemensamma, kollektiva angelägenheter i en demokrati. Att arbeta i politiskt styrd verksamhet innebär att man möter både praktiska och etiska problem som skall lösas i samråd med många andra inblandade aktörer. I ett avslutande kapitel i boken behandlas därför etiska frågeställningar som präglar den offentliga förvaltningen.

  • 3.
    Bengtsson, Hans
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Politik, lag och praktik: implementeringen av LSS-reformen2005Collection (editor) (Refereed)
  • 4.
    Bengtsson, Hans
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Vad har vi lärt av Gudrun och Per?: Om krishantering i ett kommunikativt perspektiv2008In: Säkerhet och sårbarhet: Hur skapar vi ett hållbart samhälle? Om forskning och utveckling i samverkan / [ed] Hans Bengtsson, Anders Mellbourn, Halmstad: Högskolan i Halmstad , 2008, p. 65-87Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Innehåller en översikt och analys av dels den statliga styrningen av krisberedskap på kommunal nivå, dels rapporter och uppsatser av krishanteringen i Hallands län i samband med stormarna Gudrun (januari 2005) och Per (januari 2007).

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  • 5.
    Bengtsson, Hans
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Varför blir det inte som vi har bestämt?: Om implementeringen av en social reform2008In: Demokrati och makt: Vänbok till Lennart Lundquist / [ed] Stubbergaard, Ylva & Hall, Patrik, Lund: Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift , 2008, p. 117-143Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Implementering av politiska reformer berör centrala statsvetenskapliga problemområden. I artikeln diskuteras, med erfarenheterna från implementeringen på lokal nivå av rättighetslagen LSS, möjligheter och hinder att via sociala reformer skapa rättvisa levnadsvillkor för personer med omfattande funktionshinder.

  • 6.
    Bengtsson, Hans
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Arvidsson, Jessica
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre of Research on Welfare, Health and Sport (CVHI).
    Dagens och morgondagens LSS-boende: Rapport från en FoU-cirkel i Skåne2008Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna rapport behandlar frågor som rör dagens och morgondagens boende för målgrupper inom LSS. Handläggare och chefer från åtta kommuner i Skåne som arbetar med dagens boende eller ansvarar för planering och utveckling av boendeformer har i en FoU-cirkel diskuterat problem och möjligheter inför framtiden. Deltagarna har identifierat och lyft viktiga frågeställningar att arbeta vidare med ute i kommunerna för att möta brukarnas behov och önskemål

  • 7.
    Bengtsson, Hans
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Mellbourn, AndersHalmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Säkerhet och sårbarhet: Hur skapar vi ett hållbart samhälle? Om forskning och utveckling i samverkan2008Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Föreliggande volym redovisar i första hand en stor konferens 17 april 2008 om Säkerhet och Sårbarhet på Högskolan i Halmstad. Den är ett uttryck för hur vi försöker möta de olika förväntningarna på en framgångsrik högskola. Den är inte en utpräglad forskningsrapport men innehåller både forskningsuppsatser och presentationer från olika myndigheter och organisationeri Halland. Arrangemanget har genomförts i samverkan med Länsstyrelsen i Halland och Region Halland.

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  • 8.
    Bengtsson, Hans
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Svensson, Krister
    Ansvar och sekretess i förskola, skola och fritidshem2011 (ed. 7)Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den snabba utvecklingen med styrning och kontroll genom ny lagstiftning inom skolområdet är bakgrunden till denna nya upplagan av boken "Ansvar och sekretess i förskola, skola och fritidshem". Frågor som rör personalens arbetsrättsliga ställning, skolans arbetsmiljöansvar, diskriminering, mobbning, offentlighet och sekretess , dokumentation och handläggning behandlas ingående.  För att åskådliggöra och analysera konsekvenserna av förändringarna kommenteras gällande lagtexter med aktuella rättsfall.

  • 9.
    Bennedahl, Claude
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Johansson, Henrik
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Utformningen av lärande barnprogram: En kvalitativ analys utifrån filmteori och semiotik2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte:              Syftet med uppsatsen är att kritiskt granska utformning av svenska barnprogram som har målet att vara lärande, för att se på vilket sätt man skapar mening och vilka strategier man använder för att göra programmen intressanta. Målet är att identifiera olika metoder och reflektera över på vilket sätt metoderna förmedlar programmens budskap. 

    Metod:           Vi har utfört en kvalitativ analys av tre olika barnprogram utifrån filmteori och semiotik.

    Resultat:           Vi har kommit fram till att olika program använder skilda metoder för att förmedla sitt budskap. Metoderna skiljer sig åt beroende på vilken målgrupp man riktar sig, vad man har för intentioner med programmet och vad programmet handlar om. 

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  • 10.
    Berglund, Tobias
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    En illusion av verkligheten: en undersökning av sanningsanspråket i fiktiva dokumentärer2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Hur gestaltas sanningsanspråket i mockumentärer i förhållande till dokumentärer? Denna uppsats tjänar till att undersöka hur/om ungdomar i 15 och 16 års ålder är kapabla att se skillnad på mockumentärfilm och dokumentärfilm.

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    En illusion av verkligheten
  • 11.
    Björner, Anna
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS). Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Bilden av lycka: En kvalitativ bild- och diskursanalys av reklam2010Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka reklamvärldens konstruktion av lycka samt att undersöka om det finns eventuella skillnader i den manliga respektive kvinnliga "lyckokonstruktionen"

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  • 12.
    Bouveng, Hanna
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    En studie hur Sapa Profiler AB kan använda sig av sociala medier i sitt varumärkesbyggande2012Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    BakgrundJag har fått i uppdrag av Sapa Profiler AB att ta fram konkreta förslag på hur de skulle kunna använda sig av sociala medier i sitt varumärkesbyggande.SyfteGe Sapa Profiler AB konkreta åtgärder på hur de kan använda sociala medier i sitt varumärkesbyggande.MetodJag har använt mig av kvalitativa intervjuer, benchmarking, netnografi och dokumentanalyser av Sapa Profiler AB:s eget material.ResultatJag har gett olika förslag på hur Sapa Profiler AB kan använda sig av sociala medier för att stärka sitt varumärke.

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  • 13. Christopoulou, Nadina
    et al.
    Rydin, Ingegerd
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Children’s Social Relations in Peer Groups: Inclusion, exclusion and friendship2004Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    We set up six media clubs for refugee and migrant children (ages 10-14) in six European countries. The clubs met weekly after school hours over a year with some extra full days during school holidays. The clubs made videos and exchanged them on the internet. In each participating country, researchers and media educators employed by the project collaborated with youth workers and teachers, already working with the children. The clubs became social centres as well as a place to learn about and make media. Using the internet we established a communications network to facilitate the sharing of children’s media productions, in order to generate dialogues between them. As a research project CHICAM addressed three major aspects of structural change in contemporary European society: the increase in global migration, the uses of new communication technologies, and the specifi c needs of children. Through the work of the clubs it focused on the social and cultural worlds of refugee and migrant children in centres across Europe; and was mainly concerned with fi rst generation refugees or migrants, for whom the experience of re-location is relatively recent. The children came from many different countries including Iraq, Sierra Leone, Angola, Somalia, Albania, Kosovo, Columbia, Turkey. We investigated how these children represent and express their experiences of migration into the different host countries, and how their use of new media might enable their perspectives to inform the development of European educational and cultural policies. In the process, we were seeking to identify how particular experiences of reception, educational practice, family re-unifi cation and community involvement may more effectively promote social inclusion and economic and cultural integration.

  • 14.
    Chung, Hsien-Yu
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Taiwan’s Public Diplomacy and Mega-event: An Analysis of Foreign News Reports of the World Games 2009 Kaohsiung2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis, as a case study, focuses on the perspective of foreign news reports on Taiwan’s first time hosting an international multi-sport event, the World Games 2009 in its biggest port city Kaohsiung. The World Games 2009 Kaohsiung, the significant Olympic type mega-event as to Taiwan, is applied as the approach to public diplomacy and soft power for the purpose of expanding Taiwan’s international space. It is expected to raise publicity and mass media exposure to boost Taiwan’s international profile and spur its tourism industry. From Taiwan’s image-marketing strategy, practices to foreign news reports, it outweighs to study foreign media’s reflection on Taiwan and the World Games 2009 as the important evaluation on the mega-event as a whole. This thesis attempts to answer two research questions: How was the World Games 2009 Kaohsiung reported by the foreign media? Did hosting the World Games improve Taiwan’s image? It presents the results and perspectives of foreign news reports by qualitative methods: case study and discourse analysis of online-English news reports and some quantitative methods applied on data. It combines news reports study with theory, model of public diplomacy, mega-event and expected-model. Within 101 pieces of online-English news found related to the World Games 2009, it unveils fruitful results such as the failure of interpreting the core story (Taiwan’s images and values) by foreign media during the sporting extravaganza, and it echoes Rivenburgh (2004)’s three viewpoints toward the Olympic type event (intercultural challenges, less news about host country’s culture and dramatic news). By the amount of news and the absence of foreign media on the press conference indicates that foreign media did not pay much attention to the World Games and Taiwan. In spite of reporting the sports and games, other major topics of reports were Taiwan’s hosting the event, the greenest solar-powered stadium designed by Japanese, Toyo Ito, Chu Chen’s promotion itinerary to Beijing and China’s absence on the opening and closing ceremony which triggered foreign media’s great concern.


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  • 15.
    Danielsson, Martin
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Digital Media as Classified and Classifying: The Case of Young Men in Sweden2011In: Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, ISSN 1836-5132, p. 57-71Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Digital media are widely talked about as a democratising force. As internet access proliferates, it is implied, structural constraints will dissolve and bring greater equality - if not instantly, but gradually as today's youth, the digital generation, come of age and agents of the old, non-digital order pass away. Thus, the alleged boundlessness of digital media is thought of as somehow having unbound young people from the larger social structure of power relations. Drawing on the ideas of Pierre Bourdieu, the present article examines the significance of social class for the ways in which young Swedish men perceive, interpret and make use of digital media in their everyday lives. The results suggest that class, through the workings of habitus, shapes the young men's approaches to education, leisure and the future, which, in turn, tend to generate divergent readings of digital media. Those who are privileged in terms of cultural and economic capital think and make use of digital media in compliance with the perceived moral order of digital goods and practices as instituted and imposed by the educational system, for example, whereas those disprivileged in this respect, although recognising the dominant scheme of classification and valuation of such goods and practices, tend to use them in ways that are at odds with it, thereby contributing to the workings of symbolic violence, i.e. to their own subordination.

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  • 16.
    Danielsson, Martin
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    On the Classified and Classifying Consumption of Digital Media: Initial Findings from a Comparative Case Study of Young Men in Sweden2010Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    New media in general and the internet in particular are regularly ascribed with various democratizing potentials. According to politicians, journalists, marketers and even some academics, the proliferation of internet access (via broadband) will bring about a shift in the power relations between media industries and media consumers, between governments and citizens, between professionals and amateurs, etc. Young people are often conceptualized as a driving force in this change, in so far as growing up in this new communication environment is considered enough for making real the potentials of new media. These simplistic ideas draw from technological deterministic assumptions and must be put into question by detailed empirical analyses. Although this has been done to a certain extent, previous research on young people’s consumption of new media has tended to focus on their creative, playful and more or less particular (or peripheral) digital interpretations and interactions. The social structures producing and reproducing themselves through (the lack of) these interactions, on the other hand, have seldom been taken into account. By and large, questions of social power relations such as class, gender and race/ethnicity are missing. Building primarily on the ideas of technology-as-text as elaborated within the context of cultural studies and on Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology of culture – including concepts such as habitus, capital (economic, cultural, social, symbolic), social fields, symbolic power, etc. – my PhD project constitutes an attempt to fill this gap. More specifically, it aims at qualitatively examining the ways in which 16-18 years old Swedish boys with different positions in social space conceive, relate to and make use of the internet as a differentiating and potentially enabling technology in their everyday lives. This will be done through a series of case studies. This paper presents and problematizes some initial findings from a pilot study carried out in the autumn of 2009, when twelve young men from four upper secondary schools (preparing either for further education or directly for the working life) in one of Sweden’s largest cities were interviewed individually. An intercultural comparison between boys occupying different positions in social space (i.e. the discernible volume and composition of their families’ accumulated capital) reveal divergent perceptions of the school, further education and one’s future more generally, which also tend to have a bearing on their readings of the internet. The preliminary analyses suggest that, in general, these socially structured readings of the internet are carried out in ways that serve to reproduce existing power relations rather than dissolving them. The boys from families with large cultural capital perceive the internet as a resource for accumulating forms of capital that can be employed in the struggle for positions to which they aspire. For example, they stress its various possibilities for learning. The boys having less cultural capital at their disposal, on the other hand, often articulate a narrower outlook, reducing the new technology to an instrument for immediate amusement or just passing time. Hence, the democratizing potentials of new media seem to be unequally realized. 

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  • 17.
    Danielsson, Martin
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Sjöberg, Ulrika
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Fritid och digitala medier2012In: Fritid i senmoderna samhällen / [ed] Ulla Tebelius, Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2012, p. 143-153Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 18.
    de Block, Liesbeth
    et al.
    University of London, London, Great Britain.
    Rydin, Ingegerd
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Digital rapping in media productions: Intercultural communication through youth culture2006In: Digital generations: Children, young people, and new media / [ed] David Buckingham; Rebekah Willett, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006, p. 295-312Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    (From the chapter) The expanding array of new media offer many different ways in which young people can actively engage in media making and exchange. Although such activities might be very localized in terms of their immediate production processes and relationships, they also have the potential to create global products, both in terms of their distribution and audiences (through the Internet) as well as in the resources on which they might draw for inspiration. Youth cultures may have local references and influences, but they are also increasingly global, allowing young people from very different parts of the world to recognize, identify with, and utilize similar styles of music, fashion, graphics, and dance. These global styles are not exclusively derived from the U.S. mainstream, but include other influences and countercultures. Contemporary popular music, for example, often incorporates a range of different styles, bringing them together to create new forms. For children who have experienced migration, separation, and new settlement and who are living their everyday lives with different cultural influences, these developments are particularly significant, and they also raise several interesting questions for educators and researchers involved with youth media work. What media do young migrants and refugees draw on when making their own productions? What role can media production play in communicating the experiences of migration? How are such productions received and interpreted by other youth? Can such productions form part of research looking into the lives and experiences of young people? What are the implications for media education, particularly in the context of intercultural exchange and learning? To examine some of these questions, we would like to discuss the production and exchange of a series of videos made by young people participating in the European project Children in Communication About Migration (CHICAM; www.chicam.net). The project comprised six European countries: Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. CHICAM was an action research project funded by the European Commission (Framework 5 Program) and coordinated by the Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media at the Institute of Education, University of London. Six media clubs for refugee and migrant children ages 10 to 14 years were set up in the participating countries. The clubs met weekly after school over the course of a year, with some extra full days during school holidays. The clubs made videos and exchanged them on the internet. The research focused on particular themes (education, peer relations, family, and intercultural communication), and the videos made by the children were mainly on these topics. In this chapter, we look at a small set of productions within the genre of rap. We discuss two videos in some detail, focusing on how they were made, the ways in which they used global youth culture as their starting point, and their significance in the context of the young people's experiences of migration.

  • 19.
    De Leeuw, Sonja
    et al.
    University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
    Rydin, Ingegerd
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Diasporic Mediated Spaces2007In: Transnational Lives and the Media: Re-Imagining Diaspora / [ed] Olga G. Bailey, Myria Georgiou, Ramaswami Harindranath, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, p. 175-194Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Within the context of migration and globalisation of media, questions concerning the transformation of culture have become manifest among communication scholars. Due to alterations in the global political and economic order, such as deregulation of the media market, the media landscape has undergone extensive transformations during last decades of the twentieth century. Moreover, processes of decolonisation and post-colonisation, the opening of borders in Europe and the outbreak of wars, have led to increased migration movements and generated a flood of people, who for different reasons are looking for new places and new homes. Cultural communities are no longer fixed in particular geographical spaces. As a result we are facing what Hall has called ‘the global post-modern’ (1996), involving the possible shifts of power relations and cultural hierarchies that in particular apply to diaspora, people connected to a cultural community, now living dispersed. What interests us here are the processes of cultural transformation that are taking place within ‘the global post-modern’ where increasing numbers of people are negotiating their identities between continuity and change, between similarity and difference. In the new place, senses of homely belonging are necessarily being constructed with references to both the new place and to what has been left behind.

  • 20.
    De Leeuw, Sonja
    et al.
    University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
    Rydin, Ingegerd
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Migrant children's digital stories: Identity formation and self-representation through media production2007In: European Journal of Cultural Studies, ISSN 1367-5494, E-ISSN 1460-3551, Vol. 10, no 4, p. 447-464Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article starts out from the European research project Children in Communication about Migration (CHICAM). It addresses questions about intercultural communication via the internet and about media production as a vehicle for personal expression and identity formation among excluded youth groups. The article starts out from a cultural theoretical perspective linked to an empirical analysis, which is based on a series of selected productions made by 12 to 14-year-old refugees. The productions represent various programme genres and formats. The use of visual language such as representational conventions are highlighted in order to find out how identities are (re)created in the process of media production. The article touches upon these productions as they reflect not only experiences in dealing with cultural tensions between the 'old' and the 'new' world, but also their views on their future life and on the conditions that they find crucial in developing themselves.

  • 21.
    Eckford, James
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Nuclear Proliferation And The Nuclear Deterrent: Will The Non-Proliferation Treaty Ever Achieve Total Nuclear Disarmament? Is The Nuclear Deterrent Worth Keeping?2012Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In 2009 President Obama outlined his utopic vision of a nuclear-free world, admitting that this would not be possible within his lifetime he claimed that while the US will continue to reduce its stockpile it would implement the missile defence shield as long as Iran, North Korea and terrorists pose a nuclear threat. Such a pledge...

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  • 22.
    Eklund, Monica
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Teacher Education (LUT), Research on Education and Learning within the Department of Teacher Education (FULL).
    Sjöberg, Ulrika
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Rydin, Ingegerd
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Högdin, Sara
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre of Research on Welfare, Health and Sport (CVHI).
    Good practices in the field of educational integration of refugee and asylum-seeking children: Country report : Sweden2011In: Integrating Refugee and Asylum-seeking Children in the Educational Systems of EU Member States / [ed] Andrey Nonchev and Nikolai Tagarov, Sofia, Bulgaria: Center for the Study of Democracy , 2011, , p. 35p. 182-214Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 23.
    Eklund, Monica
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Teacher Education (LUT), Research on Education and Learning within the Department of Teacher Education (FULL).
    Sjöberg, Ulrika
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Rydin, Ingegerd
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Högdin, Sara
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre of Research on Welfare, Health and Sport (CVHI).
    Integrating refugee and asylum-seeking children in the educational systems: Country report : Norway2011Report (Refereed)
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  • 24.
    Ewertsson, Lena
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM). Gothenburg Research Institute, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Banking on (the) Line: Security & Authentication Practices in the Minimization of Internet Crime2012In: Conference track: Monitoring, identifying, displacing: on everyday surveillance & security practices., 2012Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    During recent decades, satellite systems and digital technology, the Internet included, gradually have begun to meet and become recombined with existing practices of banking. Homebanking, internet-banking, e-codes, cashpoints, debit cards, card readers in the home and other places, are perhaps some of the most visible expressions of such recombinations. By allowing new forms of organization and interaction, the marriage between banking, satellite and digital techniques has involved radical changes for banking activities as well as for  the individual and society at large. At the same time, it involves a number of dimensions and problems increasingly discussed in terms of crime, threats, uncertainties and risks deriving from particular innovative practices of recombination called, for instance, skimming, hacking and Trojan attacks. In this paper, I explore an issue which hitherto has been little investigated: what do banks do in practice when they deal with problems, threats and uncertainties related to such ’unwanted’ innovative activities? Here I concentrate on Nordea AB, a Stockholm-based financial services group operating in Northern Europe, which is described as ’the world leader of internet banking in terms of usage, having more than 5.9 million online customers doing more than 260 million payments/ year” (Wikipedia). By making more visible the work on security & authentication carried out by Nordea, I hope to illuminate, nuance and problematize more general imaginations of how technologies associated with the Internet can be used in attempts to enact, expand, destabilize or sabotage particular interactions and relations.

  • 25.
    Ewertsson, Lena
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Governing the Digital Future Through Demonstrations?: An Example from the History of Television2012Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper deals with the emergence of ’high definition television’ (HDTV) as a new movement of experimentation and standardization in the 1970s and 1980s, spanning East and West in terms of sites, actors and issues. By exploring the circumstances, tactics and means through which a particular research, development and demonstration project (HD-Divine) evolved and came to the attention of others until July 1992, the paper opens up a window on some of the ways technical standards for television as well as new ’digital’worlds are created, governed and govern. Based upon this analysis, the paper demonstrates that the contingent and ’messy’ processes through which the analogue-digital divide has emerged and become entangled with the (re)creation of rules and routines in recent decades deserve more detailed empirical attention. In doing so, it also offers reasons for exploring an issue that hitherto has been devoted surprisingly little scholarly attention: how do ’thoughts’ (ideas, claims etc) gain–or fail to gain–credibility and persuasiveness in the creation of technical standards?

  • 26.
    Ewertsson, Lena
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Governing the Digital Future through Demonstrations: An Example from the History of Television2011Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The topic of this paper belongs to the history and sociology of innovation, or what Joseph A. Schumpeter (1934/2007:65.; 14 f.) called ’the carrying out of new combinations’: to do new things, or the same things differently, by combining ’materials and forces within our reach’ in a new way. The question addressed in this paper has been surprisingly little explored in the literature: What roles can be ascribed to staged demonstrations in the (re)creation of technical standards in processes of innovation and the (re)creation of markets? A provisional answer would be that carefully staged demonstrations, as a highly institutionalized device for persuasion, negotiation and the assertion of power, are important resources in making visible, defining, extending and enacting what can be connected to what and what cannot in the future. The paper examines the relations between demonstrations and the (re)creation of technical standards in the context of what in the 1980s and early 1990s was publicly reported upon as a ’war’ or ’battle’ over which technical standards should ultimately carry future ’high definition television’ (HDTV) and its market(s). Based upon a broad array of empirical materials collected in 1992-2009, I tell a story of a particular demonstration: the HD-Divine demonstration at the International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam in 1992 (IBC’92). HD-Divine was a Scandinavian research and development programme launched in 1990 to counteract the claims and strategies of the Eureka 95 – a programme for the introduction of HDTV in Europe. Through the HD-Divine programme various people were drawn together in joint action with a first common goal being to demonstrate a working prototype of a new (HD)TV-system at IBC’92. According to some of my interviewees, understanding the role of the demonstration of HD-Divine at IBC’92 is crucial for grasping the ways in which digital technology has entered and been combined with traditional national networks for television in Europe during the past decades. The paper also examines how the word ’digital’ began to be used to support arguments for changing people’s belief or action with regard to future (HD)TV-systems, including the (re)creation of technical standards and other social ’rules’ as a way to induce durable interactions and relations – and the abandonment of alternative paths of interaction. I also attempt to challenge dominant perceptions, both within and beyond the academy, related to the emergence of yet another dualism gaining strength during the recent decades: that between ’the digital’ and ’the analogue’. Focusing on empirical material from the history of television, I suggest that, rather than reiying and black-boxing the analogue-digital divide, we might use it as a point of departure for thinking inventively about the role of visibility in the (re)creation of markets and the mutations of politics and technology in staged demonstrations.

  • 27.
    Ewertsson, Lena
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Governing the Digital Future through Demonstrations: An Example from the History of Television2011Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The topic of this paper belongs to the history and sociology of innovation, or what Joseph A. Schumpeter called ’the carrying out of new combinations’: to do new things, or the same things differently, by combining ’materials and forces within our reach’ in a new way. The question addressed has been surprisingly little explored in the literature: How are staged demonstrations used in the creation of technical standards? The paper attends to this question by discussing the (re)production of demonstrations in the context of what in the 1980s and early 1990s was publicly reported upon as a ’war’ or ’battle’ over which technical standards should ultimately carry future ’high definition television’ (HDTV) and its market(s). The author tells a story of the circumstances of a particular demonstration: the HD-Divine demonstration at the International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam in 1992, planned to demonstrate that digital HDTV was technologically feasible over conventional television networks. Based upon the story of HD-Divine, it is suggested that demonstrations are good points of departures for analyzing how new as well as old combinations are linguistically (re)named, categorized and publicly visualized in attempts to define, control, extend or destroy particular types of interactions and relations.

  • 28.
    Forssén, Janina
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Flodvågskatastrofen i Helsingborgs Dagblad och Hallands nyheter: En jämförande textanalys av akutfasen under 12 dagar2010Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Nyhetsrapporteringen efter flodvågskatastrofen i Sydostasien 2004, skapade stor uppmärksamhet i svenska nyhetsmedier. Denna studie utgår från Helsingborgs Dagblad och Hallands Nyheters nyhetsrapportering, under 12 dagar i akutfasen. Sammanlagt analyseras 20 artiklar i dessa tidningar, utifrån genren nyhetsartiklar. Med hjälp av främst en kvantitativ innehållsanalys, studeras vilka teman, aktörer och källor samt vilken roll medierna intar. I resultatdelen jämförs studien med den senaste forskningen inom ämnesområdet, av Maria Jonsson från 2005, studien Flodvågskatastrofen i svensk nyhetspress. I slutsatserna av studien redovisas resultatet av studien utifrån dagordningsteorin och diskussioner i relation till nyhetsvärdering och medielogik.

    I studien framkommer att det finns sammanlagt 14 olika kategorier av teman, 53 aktörer samt 43 källor, i Helsingborgs Dagblad och Hallands Nyheter. Medierna i samhället anses ha två huvudsakliga funktioner, att informera och granska. Den dominerande rollen utgörs av den informerande journalistiken. I resultat- och slutsats jämförs likheter och skillnader mellan dessa lokala tidningars rapportering och dessa regionala tidningars rapportering. Det framgår att dessa lokala tidningar använder sig av snabba, inkorrekta eller anonyma källor, i mindre utsträckning än dessa regionala tidningar.

  • 29.
    Franzén, Daniel
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Sveriges televisions vänstervridning: En myt eller verklighet?2010Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns en så kallad “vänstervridning” i Sveriges televisions nyhetsprogram. Det vill säga en favorisering av vänstern gentemot högern. Detta genom att undersöka nyhetsrapporteringen, i Rapport och Aktuellt, av i förväg valda ämnen.

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  • 30.
    Ganic, Kenan
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Wennberg, Alexander
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Politiska tendenser i dagspressen: En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxna kan se politiska tendenser i två dagstidningars nyhetsrapportering. 2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte: Att undersöka om unga vuxna kan se tendenser av politisk orientering i både  ledaren och allmänna nyheter hos två stora svenska dagstidningar, Aftonbladet och Svenska Dagbladet. 

    Metod: Denna studie har till största del tillämpat kvalitativ metod, med empirisk insamlingen genom fokusgrupper .

    Resultat:Majoriteten av studiens informanter kunde se politisk tendens när artiklarna kom från en röd tidning, i studiens fall Aftonbladet men inte från en blå tidning, i studiens fall Svenska Dagbladet, där majoriteten tyckte att texterna var ”neutrala”. 

    Endast 10 av 20 informanter visste vilken bakomliggande politisk ideologi svenska dagstidningar har. Ett mycket lågt resultat eftersom undersökningen behandlade några av Sveriges största tidningar.

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  • 31.
    Gaziani, Sara
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Mujkanovic, Maida
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Mediestrategier: En kritisk granskning av vilka strategier Aftonbladet använde under rapporteringen om svininfluensan2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte: Att analysera hur Aftonbladet använde olika strategier och retoriska begrepp under rapporteringen av svininfluensan, samt hur mediers makt kan beskrivas utifrån Foucaults teori. Teori: Medieretorik, encoding/decoding, budskapsstrategier, diskursteori, diskursens makt Metod: Kritiskt granskande analyser i form av kritisk diskursanalys och kritisk retorikanalys. Resultat: Aftonbladet använder sig utav medvetna eller omedvetna strategier och retoriska begrepp för att sända ut ett visst budskap. Makten att kunna försöka påverka kan, enligt Foucaults teori, komma ifrån staten i första hand. Därför är användningen utav strategier och retoriska begrepp nödvändig för att bibehålla makten att kunna försöka påverka och övertyga läsarna.

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  • 32.
    Griffin, Tomine
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Löpsedel och artikel:: En komparativ diskursanalys2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


     Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att diskutera förhållandet som finns mellan artikeln i en tidning och dess löpsedel. Genom en komparativ diskursanalys vill jag utröna om det som står på löpsedeln och i artikeln skapar samma eller liknande betydelser. Jag vill ta reda på om historien som löpsedeln initierar, fortsätter på samma sätt, utvecklas eller förändras i artikeln. Som följd för jag även en hypotetisk diskussion kring vilka tolkningar som den tilltänkta läsaren möjligen kan skapa genom att enbart läsa löpsedeln respektive om läsaren tar till sig hela artikeln. Teori: Intertextualitet, diskurs och diskursanalys  Metod: Studien baseras på kvalitativ metod i form av en komparativ diskursanalys av sju löpsedlar och sju artiklar i vardera Aftonbladet och Expressen. 14 löpsedlar och 14 artiklar, totalt 28 texter. Slutsatser: I vissa fall skiljer det sig markant åt mellan innehållet på löpsedeln och innehållet i motsvarande artikel. Dock var det inte ett entydigt resultat. Det finns exempel både på att löpsedeln och artikeln följde en röd tråd och att det som löpsedeln initierar fortsätter på samma sätt i artikeln. Men det var i de fall som betydelsesammanhangen såg helt olika ut som var intressanta. Det gick att se att i vissa fall tog artikeln helt oväntade vändningar när man tar till sig innehållet och bryter mot de tolkningar som möjligen kan göras genom löpsedeln. I de fall den röda tråden inte följdes var det ofta tydliga skillnader mellan löpsedeln och artikeln.

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  • 33.
    Gynnerstedt, Kerstin
    et al.
    Bengtsson, Hans
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Personal assistance in Sweden: Support and service for persons with certain functional impairments2011In: Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review, ISSN 1178-5527, Vol. 23, no 1/2, p. 18-28Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The political goal and the aim of Swedish disability policy today is to give persons with disabilities the same opportunities as others to participate in society and to live together wit others - the principles of normalisation and integration. Two particular acts, LSS and LASS, came into force on the 1st of January 1994. One of the most important elements in these acts is the right to personal assistance. The idea of personal assistance is to provide support that is tailor-made to the individual as far as possible and to optimise the person´s influence over how the support is arranged. The aim of this article is to describe and analyse the right personal assistance from an administrative perspective. The focus is on the application and decision process and the development of this support during the years.

  • 34.
    Hedin, Ellen
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    I, Gamer: A qualitative study of the institutionalizing, cultivating, and socially constructing processes of computer game usage2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 15 credits / 22,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    Ellen Hedin



    Ingegerd Rydin



    Computer Games as Culture – A qualitative study of the institutionalizing, cultivating, and socially constructing elements of computer game usage


    Media and Communication Studies




    The purpose of the study is to explore the creation of identities related to the interaction mediated through the use of computer games. By perceiving computer game playing as a form of social interaction, searching for the relations between actors and their function, I hope to find that the social features of computer game playing can nurture a self-confident, healthy identity as well as enchancing the players’ quality of life.


    The methods used are interview, narrative interview and observation.


    The study concludes that there is a visible culture surrounding computer games that enrich the players’ quality of life as well as enriching their personas through institutionalizing, cultivating and socializing processes.


    Computer, computer game, usage, online culture, communication, gaming, play, dota, gamer, popular culture, reception, young adults, new medium, modern technology, every-day-life.

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  • 35.
    Hellberg, Ludvig
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Sporre, William
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Från ledare till artikel: En pilotstudie av objektivitet genom analys av åtta artiklar i Dagens Nyheters och Flammans rapportering om kriget i Afghanistan2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte: Undersöka om opinionsbildande språkanvändning som förekommer i tidningarnas ledare även tar plats i nyhetsartiklarna.

    Material: Åtta utvalda publikationer från www.flamman.se och www.dn.se Metod: Kritisk diskursanalys

    Slutsatser: Språkanvändning och åsikter som förekommer i ledare för att skapa opinion, återfinns i de nyhetsartiklar som har analyserats.

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  • 36.
    Hodzic, Denis
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Kilander, Sara
    Kissies.se, Sveriges mest lästa blogg – ur 12 fjortonåriga tjejers synvinkel.2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på vad för roll Kissie har på tre stycken åttondeklasser. Vi vill ta reda på hur de uppfattar Kissies.se och personen som driver bloggen.

    Teori: Dramaturgiska perspektivteorin, socialisationsteorin, hermeneutiken.Metod: Kvalitativa fokusgruppsintervjuer och kvantitativa enkäter.

    Huvudresultat: Det som framgick genom undersökningarna när det gäller syftet är att Kissies.se ofta fungerar som en inspirationskälla när det gäller vissa köpval på en del av deltagarna. De berättade själva att de blir påverkade i den mån att om Kissie tipsar om olika kläder, smink, musiklåtar, maträtter kan de ta efter. Därför kom vi fram till att bloggen även fungerar som en annonssida när det gäller materiella saker. Men enligt deltagarna tar man inte åt sig av de skönhetsingrepp och ideal Kissie skriver om. Detta för att målgruppen känner att Kissie är överdriven och har gått ett steg för långt med hur hon ser ut.

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  • 37.
    Håkansson, Nicklas
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Anders Todal Jenssen og Toril Aalberg (red.): Den medialiserte politikken2009In: Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, ISSN 0040-716X, E-ISSN 1504-291X, Vol. 50, no 1, p. 109-112Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 38.
    Håkansson, Nicklas
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Medierna och den undflyende medborgarkunskapen2006In: Valets mekanismer / [ed] Hanna Bäck, Mikael Giljam, Malmö: Liber, 2006, p. 269-285Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Valdemokrati innebär att medborgarna på lika villkor väljer sina representanter utifrån vad dessa säger att de vill åstadkomma och att medborgarna har möjlighet att rösta bort representanterna i nästa val. Frågan är om valdemokratins centrala aktörer - medborgarna, representanterna och massmedierna - uppfyller de krav som kan ställas på dem för att systemet skall fungera väl?

  • 39.
    Håkansson, Nicklas
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Political Communication Cultures: Brief summary of findings from the Swedish study2009Report (Other academic)
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  • 40.
    Håkansson, Nicklas
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Political Communication Cultures in Western Europe: Technical Report: Sweden2008Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The objective of the international study Political Communication Cultures in Western Europe is to analyse the attitudes, norms, and values that drive the relationship between political actors and journalists and thereby detect the underlying patterns of political communication behaviours in Western democracies. Taken together, these orientations can be summarised under the term “Political Communication Culture” of a country.

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  • 41.
    Håkansson, Nicklas
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Politiker och journalister: kamp om presentation och representation2004In: Medierna och demokratin / [ed] Lars Nord & Jesper Strömbäck, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 2004, p. 197-220Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    I den moderna demokratin är mediernas ställning central. Demokratins vitalitet och kvalitet är i hög grad beroende av hur den politiska kommunikationen mellan det politiska systemet, medierna och medborgarna ser ut. Demokratins ideal om en fri informationsförmedling, granskning och debatt ställer stora krav på medierna och journalistiken. Samtidigt finns starka ekonomiska, teknologiska och kulturella villkor som i realiteten påverkar mediernas möjligheter och sätt att fungera. Till detta kommer medieorganisationernas egna vägval och förhållandet till publiken.

    I denna bok diskuterar ledande svenska medieforskare och statsvetare hur journalistik, medier och demokrati förhåller sig till varandra i Sverige i dag. En rad olika perspektiv på dessa frågor presenteras, liksom den mest aktuella forskningen på skilda områden. Boken berör bland annat frågor om den globala medieutvecklingen, marknadsstyrningen av journalistiken, demokrati och IT, valrörelsejournalistik och mediernas makt.

  • 42.
    Håkansson, Nicklas
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Ragnar Waldahl: Opinion og demokrati2008In: Sosiologisk Tidsskrift, ISSN 0804-0486, E-ISSN 1504-2928, Vol. 16, no 1, p. 95-98Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 43.
    Håkansson, Nicklas
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    The citizen in Swedish election posters 1908-19362009Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The objective of this study is to explore how citizens were addressed in Swedish electionposters in the eleven national elections between 1908 and 1936. The period coversgreat changes in political life as well as in campaign work of the parties. Election postersare better suited for mobilising citizens than for argumentation and presentation ofpolicy alternatives. The question here is how the parties have used this mobilisingfunction to connect to their voters. More specifically: to what extent have the partiesturned to members of collective bodies such as social classes on the one hand, and toindividuals who may have different political convictions and standpoints, on the other. This study combines a) a quantitative overview where the explicit verbal messages arebeing studied, with b) an analysis inspired by semiotic approaches in which bothdenotative and connotative levels of messages are brought into the analysis.

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  • 44.
    Håkansson, Nicklas
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Mayerhöffer, Eva
    Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Free University in Berlin.
    Great expectations: Elites' democratic demands on the media2010Conference paper (Refereed)
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  • 45.
    Håkansson, Nicklas
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Political Communication (POL).
    Naurin, Elin
    Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Göteborgs universitet.
    News Media in the Pledge Chain: Mediated Election Pledges in Sweden2011Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 46.
    Högdin, Sara
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Health and Welfare, Centre of Research on Welfare, Health and Sport (CVHI).
    Rydin, Ingegerd
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Eklund, Monica
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Research on Education and Learning within the Department of Teacher Education (FULL).
    Sjöberg, Ulrika
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM), Media and Communication Science.
    Integrating refugee and asylum-seeking children in the educational systems: Country report : Denmark2011Report (Refereed)
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  • 47.
    Iwanaga, Kazuki
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Democracy and Electoral Systems in Japan: A Comparative Perspective1995Report (Other academic)
  • 48.
    Iwanaga, Kazuki
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Dominant Party Democracy and the Politics of Electoral Reform in Japan2000In: The Cultural Construction of Politics in Asia / [ed] Hans Antlöv & Tak-Wing Ngo, Richmond: Curzon , 2000, p. 52-85Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 49.
    Iwanaga, Kazuki
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science, Center for Social Analysis (CESAM), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Europe in Japan's Foreign Policy2000In: The Japanese and Europe: Images and Perceptions / [ed] Bert Edström, Richmond: Japan Library , 2000, p. 208-235Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 50.
    Iwanaga, Kazuki
    Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), Centre for Studies of Political Science, Communication and Media (CPKM).
    Europe in Japan's Foreign Policy1997Report (Other academic)
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