Studien analyserar sambanden mellan sysselsättning för unga vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning som gått i gymnasiesärskolan och deras sociala bakgrund, mätt som föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå och geografiska härkomst. Den här registerstudien baseras på Halmstad university register on pupils with intellectual disabilities (HURPID), Longitudinell integrationsdatabas för arbetsmarknads- och sjukförsäkringsstudier (LISA) samt LSS-registret. Studien omfattar 12 269 unga med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning som gick ut gymnasiesärskolan mellan 2001 och 2011. De samband som studeras analyseras genom multipla logistiska regressioner. Resultaten visar att föräldrars utbildningsnivå har viss betydelse för före detta gymnasiesärskoleelevers sysselsättning. Barn till högutbildade föräldrar har med större sannolikhet en sysselsättning inom daglig verksamhet och barn till lågutbildade föräldrar har med större sannolikhet ett förvärvsarbete. Sannolikheten för att ha någon av sysselsättningskategorierna daglig verksamhet eller förvärvsarbete är lägst bland barn till föräldrar som är födda i länder utanför Norden. Högutbildade föräldrar antas ha en högre grad av den ”välfärdskompetens” som krävs för att hantera dagens välfärdssystem och härigenom kunna påverka de ungas möjligheter att få insatser likt daglig verksamhet. Lågutbildade föräldrar antas ha egna erfarenheter av, och kontakter med, arbetsplatser där det finns arbetsuppgifter utan (eller med låga) formella kompetenskrav. Samhällets kunskaper och medvetenhet om den sociala bakgrundens betydelse för efter(sär)gymnasial sysselsättning bland unga med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning behöver öka. Detta i syfte att bättre möta varierande individuella förutsättningar och främja etablering i arbetslivet för fler unga vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning vid övergången från skoltid till arbetsliv.
This article introduces an approach within social work called green social. It is argued that this approach has a critical potential in its ability to respond to urgent issues concerning people’s current and future living conditions. It is further argued that in addition to its traditional involvement in problematic distribution of resources, social work can act upon linkages between social issues and issues concerning environmental and climate crisis when integrating areas of knowledge from other disciplines. Such linkages imply a revision of the construct ”person-in-environment” that traditionally denote a delimited notion of environment as the ”social environment”, thereby disregarding the biophysical environment that human beings are a part of. The article discusses concepts such as ”sustainable welfare”, ”de-growth” and ”transition” and presents examples of so-called ecosocial interventions while also making an argument for strengthening community work in Sweden.
The purpose of this article is to deepen our understanding of integration and exclusion of unaccompanied minors, by using a phenomenological, affective framework on their experiences and feelings. The article is based on qualitative interviews with 36 young people who came to two northern rural municipalities in Sweden without guardians during 2015. The interview situation raised questions about our research position, which is reflected upon in an autobiographical note. The study shows that various forms of loneliness and feelings of exclusion are a consistent theme in the young people's life stories. The loneliness often appears as situational and connected to the migration experience and the initial reception in the recipient country. The interviews also contain voices of great loss, but also concern, in relation to the family of origin. Sometimes a distrust of the interview situation could be discerned, where the young people's lives made a strong impression, and loneliness was embodied. The results open for questioning a medicalization of social and existential needs, but also of the problematic nature of a traditional researcher role in this context.
The article discusses the suggestion that the true clash between Western and Islamic civilizations is in the field of sexuality. Islamic morals and values regarding sex are elaborated on the basis of Islamic sources and related to the context of Swedish sexual liberalism. What conflicts can be found in questions regarding how to meet a partner for sex and/or marriage, who can be chosen as a partner, and the forced, arranged and early marriages? The sexual rights of the husband and the sexual duities of the wife are problematized. The article critically discusses the Islamic view of forbidden sexual relations and behaviour. The different understandings of sexuality are articulated in social problems such as honour-related violence, individual feelings of shame, objections to sex education in Swedish schools and the sexualization of children.
The purpose of this qualitative study is to gain a better understanding of how the implementation of a welfare technology (WT) may affect the daily work of unit managers and social care staff in social care homes. It also aims to explore how service users ability to participate, exercise self-determination, and be independent in their daily activities may be affected by this WT, as perceived by staff. The study focuses on one WT Boet, a digital support tool, created for care professionals and service users with intellectual disabilities and/or autism. Boet is a WT that comprises a staff application and an individual application for service users. The study is based on the experiences of care professionals working in social care homes in three Swedish municipalities covered by the Act (1993:387) on Support and Services for Certain Disabled People (LSS). Over a period of six months in 2023, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 social care staff and three unit managers. The analysis highlights trust as a central theme and identifies three aspects that influence professional discretion: transparency, shifts in power, and safety. In conclusion, it can be assumed that the level of trust among staff plays a crucial role in establishing the framework for professional discretion concerning digitalisation, WT, and its additional working methods. This study indicates several different shifts in the professionals’ discretion that may require trust in one’s ability, the residents, the WT, management, and organisation.