The purpose of the present study is to investigate what research show about the use of manipulative materials in the mathematics education and what factors have an impact on this approach. A definition of the problem was formed when considering the decrease of Swedish pupils mathematical abilities presented in PISA. The intention with the present study was to assemble further knowledge in whether or not the use of manipulative materials could be a teaching method that could help improve this. The method used in this study was a systematic review based on an analysis of 8 studies. The results of the studies were thoroughly examined and presented in a result chapter. When comparing the results categories were found. These categories structured the result chapter as following: the beliefs of pre- and in- service teachers, the situations in which manipulative materials are used / not used, the use of manipulative materials in relation to grades and duration and pupils’ beliefs and achievements. Results show a positive meaning to the use of manipulatives, however it is the question of how they are used that is discussed.