The Open Systems Interconnect Model (OSI) is a conceptual model of networking thatcategorizes network functions into seven layers. It is defined in this model that how layerscommunicate with each other. In this thesis, we address common Layer 2 attacks and theirsolutions. Layer 2 is considered a very weak link in a secure network. If the data is compromisedat Layer 2, it cannot be detected at other layers because each layer works without the knowledgeof other layers. We discuss Layer 2 weakness and vulnerability exploitation tools briefly. It isexplained how an attacker can exploit network by using different attack tools. Our results showthat these attacks are very productive if a network administrator does not implement propersecurity at Layer 2 in the OSI model. We propose solutions to secure Layer 2 devices and thesesolutions are implemented by using attack tools. Security configurations are deployed to combatagainst attacks and protect the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the network traffic.