Originates from the time‐ and relationship‐dependencies between companies’ activities and resources in marketing channels which cause vulnerability. The construct of vulnerability is still fairly unexplored in marketing channel research. Therefore, the principal objective of this research is to conceptualise the construct of vulnerability. Bases the conceptualisation on generic time‐ and relationship‐dependencies between companies’ business activities in marketing channels. This research is based on a mail survey in three different industries in Sweden. Develops and describes a typology of vulnerability scenarios based on a set of generic dimensions of time‐ and relationship‐dependencies between companies’ business activities in these industries. Uses a minor selection of broad items that empirically underpin the introduced typology. Further research has to be carried through in order to explore the validity and reliability of the empirical findings of this research note. Nevertheless, the contribution of this research is a tentative typology of vulnerability scenarios based upon time‐ and relationship‐dependencies between companies’ business activities in marketing channels.