Title: How important is local news?- A qualitative study on the importance of the local news media in the local community
Author: Ebba Björnmosse
Supervisor: Ebba Sundin
Examiner: Helena Mortenius
Type of work: Master s Thesis in Media and Communication Studies
Term: Autumn 2013
Number of characters incl. spaces: 19711
Purpose: To study the news media in the local community and how these have changed as the communication technology development.
Method and Materials: Qualitative survey, personal interviews
Main results: The result shows that local newspapers are most relevant for the magazine s local informational function. The result shows that there is a need for local journalism. The lack of local news will meen that more people probably unsubscribe and turn to other local media. A major factor is likely that the range of free newspapers will increase as the free newspaper read by most people.