Fundament, construction and tools – discursive psychology at work in music education This article addresses how discursive psychology can be used in the discipline of music education. Engaging examples from the field are chosen to provide an introduction to the analysing tools in discursive psychology. Empirical data consist, amongst others, of interviews with students and teachers in Swedish music- and culture schools, and of video observation of choir rehearsal. These provide enlightening examples of how fact construction is built up or undermined in descriptions and also how accounts are involved in action, all considering the rhetorical construction in everyday social inter- action. Some of the tools illustrated are “category entitlement”, “stake inoculation”, “footing”, “out-there-ness”, “active voicing” and “ontological manipulation”. The article also highlights the importance of the theoretical framework, the fundament that is tightly bound up with the perspective of discursive psychology. Here a brief description is made, considering the social world, knowledge and the person as socially constructed, as well as an idea of language as the focus and topic of investigation. – In particular this text intends to give a brief overview of the discursive psychological approach and serve as an introduction to the field.