In today’s companies it’s more and more important to combine different services tocreate an ip-network that contains everything the company needs. It can be iptelephonymixed with slow-links and different types of media such as air, cables orlight. Technicians have to consider a lot of things, for example: How does this affectthe company’s economy? Does the company have any policies? Is it possible tocombine all of the services the company is requesting?The services and the implementation of the services is the ground for the casestudies. After verify it was possible to combine all these services, the creation of thecase studies could be done.The results of this report are two types of case studies with different tasks. Thesecond case study is based on the first case study but with more services that needsto be implemented. The case studies are a good way to test and allow the students totry implementing these services, testing them and verifying they work as theyshould.This report could help future technicians to see how it is possible to combine someof these services together over different media. By reading and study the results ofthis report, the technicians will get a deeper knowledge and a good ground to standon if they need to implement or troubleshoot something similar later in their career.