We present two applications of path planning oncostmaps: (i) the Probabilistic Navigation Function uses a smoothlyvarying co-occurrence estimation to trade-off collision risk versusdetour lengths, and (ii) a navigation system for exploration ofunknown environment using growable costmaps, interweaving mapping,replanning, and control.By relying on costmaps as a general basis for planning and pathtracking as a generic motion control interface, our approach andimplementation covers a wide range of planners and controllers. Weachieve a relatively general purpose system and introduce a limitedamount of well-defined user-definable heuristics that allow users toadapt the system to a given application. System integration andgenericity is demonstrated by providing three specific implementationsof the planner and controller components, all working withinthe same framework.
Wes Huang Applied Perception, Inc.
Dave Ferguson Intel Research Pittsburgh