Sports injuries are an obstacle in most athletes’ strive to achieve their goals. It is of importance to develop rehabilitation programmes and safe return to sport; also preventive intervention programmes are required. The aetiology of sports injuries shows multi-facetted natures. The results of psychological studies shows evidence that psycho-social factors affect the injury-risk exist (e.g. Johnson, 2011). One theoretical framework to intervention programme is Williams and Ander-sen’s stress-injury model (1998). The model provides psychosocial factors which are activated by the athletes’ cognitive and somatic stress-response. Over the years, psychological preventive intervention programmes have been evaluated, aiming to reduce the number of injuries through stress- management (e.g. Johnson et al., 2005). In our recently conducted study, the overall aim was to reduce the stress-response through a psycho-educational intervention and consequently lower the number of injuries. Out of the 22 participating Swedish elite male and female floorball teams, 10 teams were randomized to a preventive intervention programme. This programme was implemented during the first half of the season and consisted of six hour-long sessions with one whole team at a time, based on goal-setting, stress management, concentration, relaxation, self-confidence and emotions. The program was constructed to meet the cognitive and somatic reactions of stress. All sustained injures were recorded at the start of the study and registered as they occurred during the eight months season’s. The intervention-group sustained less injuries compared to the control-group. Reports of past and present research will be given at the seminar. References Johnson, U., Ekengren, J., & Andersen, M., B. (2005). Injury prevention in Swe-den. Helping soccer players at risk. Journal of Sport &. Exercise Psychology, 27, 32- 38. Johnson, U. (2011). Athletes’ experiences of psy-chosocial risk factors preceding injury, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 3, 99-115. Williams, J. M., & Andersen, M. B. (1998). Psychosocial antecedents of sport injury: Review and critique of the stress and injury model. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 10, 5-25.
Cologne: European College of Sport Science , 2012. p. 276-276
The 17th Sport European College of Sport Science (ECSS') Congress, Bruges, Belgium, 4th-7th July, 2012