The aim of this study was to generate a theoretical model of the experiences of women, who had undergone reduction mammoplasty, of counselling received in connection with breast-feeding. Data were collected through interviews with 12 breast-reduced women who had given birth to a child, and the material was analysed by means of the grounded theory method. Written permission to post notices at the child welfare centres had been obtained from the primary care managers. The women themselves applied for participation in the study. The results showed that their need for counselling from somebody who listened attentively to them and gave advice in connection with breast-feeding, was considerable. The women could have a feeling of self-reliance, ambivalence, acceptance or guilt, depending on the extent to which they perceived to have received counselling from their family members. At the same time, their experiences of the encounter with the nursing staff were of crucial importance. Lack of active listening and counselling from the nursing staff can be counterbalanced by support from relatives. However, when such support is not forthcoming, the nursing staff must be able to support the women in their role of a mother, which requires that education and supervision are given to the staff. The findings of the study can be used as a basis for further research into the need for support of the families concerned.