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The Packaging
Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET).
Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET).
Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET).
1999 (English)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Student thesis
Abstract [en]
I - Introduction Packaging covers more the processing, it adds symbolic and emotional values, which influence consumer towards a purchase. Its goal is to start an affective resonance among the consumer. Nowadays, the consumers expect a lot more from packaging.They want the packaging to be practical. light, ecological and attractive. Studies have shown that in a supermarket, a consumer is exposed to sixty different packaged products per second even through the purchase is made in only eight seconds (LSA n 1419-Dossier Emballage). Proving that it is only a short time in which the consumer will give thought and be influenced to buy a specific product more than an other. Packaging requires therfore the same amount of consideration, as the other marketing medias which influence the purchase decision. In food products, packaging represents 20% of the cost the final product (Capital May, 1994 Management Marketing) It is due to the fact that today; packaging is very important. Indeed packaging plays four primary roles; to contain the product, protect it , to carry the products and also to attract the consumers. So packaging has many functions. Actually, most of food companies themselves undertake the conditioning of their products. In many cases. the package has been indistingguishable from the product it contains. More than 70% of products are purchased spontaneously (LSA issue n 1419-Dossier Emballage). But when consumers are walking down the aisles of the supermarket at the rate of one meter per second, it is estimated they only see 40% of the products. Consumers are exposed to fifteen different labels per second even though the eyes can remember only three. Consequently, only och package in four is immediatly taken in buy the consumer.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
URN: urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-8509Local ID: U2540OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hh-8509DiVA, id: diva2:363595
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
Denna uppsats kan beställas från arkivet / This paper can be ordered from the archive. Kontakta / Contact: arkivet@hh.seAvailable from: 2010-11-09 Created: 2010-11-09Bibliographically approved

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