The purpose of this paper is to introduce the special issue that critically examines topics informing long-standing disputes concering the status of theory and practice in management studies. Contributions explore the character of the imputed relationship between theory and practice. The editorial introduction sets the discussion of topics in the context of institutional change influencing the production, circulation and consumption of knowledge products in the economy of relevance and reputation. It also presents an overview of the papers included in the special issue. The main themes addressed in the papers represent a call for change; a call to radicalize the approaches to understanding ways of knowing; a call to re-evaluate relations with practitioners; and a call to reimagine ways of representing knowledge to various constituencies, including fellow academic practitioners, management practitioners, students, and policy-makers and other opinion-formers. The key message is one of the importance of encouraging broad discussions concerning the direction and impact of flows of knowledge and the various products in which that knowledge is embedded. It calls for a more market-oriented approach to understanding the knowledge economy and the mediating role of various institutional players, including the academy, in the circulation, creation and destruction of knowledge products. That a more-market oriented approach to arrangements for the distribution of research resources in management studies calls for the development of more market-oriented institutions capable of shaping relationships of collaboration, involvement and accountability. Contributions expand the understanding of the problems and opportunities of imputing links to theory and practice.