Media Practices in the New Country: Children, Youth, Family and Ethnicity
2005 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
The paper has its focus on the project Media practices in the new country. Children, youth,family and ethnicity’, which is funded by the Swedish Research Council (2004-2006). Thepaper reflects upon theoretical issues, as well as empirical data from a pilot study conductedin 2004 and on new data from 2005. The overall aim of this project is to highlight mediapractices among families with immigrant background living in Sweden. One key area in thisproject is the role of the media in the process of construction, reinforcement andreconstruction of identities for families stranded between different cultures. The project alsoexamines the media as part of the discursive everyday life between children and adults andits significance within group- solidarity as well as citizenship objectives. The specific issuesstudied are for example: 1) the role of various media have in keeping oneself informed aboutthe Swedish society and ones native country, 2) the forms of relations that are created andmaintained through the use of internet and other types of mediated communication, and 3)the ways media are used in adults’ and young people’s creation and re-formation of socialand cultural identity. In the attempt to explore these issues an ethnographic approach isapplied, involving for example use of visual means of communication such as photographsand contextualized in-depth interviews in the homes of the families. Theoretically, theproject takes its departure from media studies as well as cultural studies. In such a disciplineand research genre, the appropriation of the media is seen as a product of specific socioculturalcontexts (both on macro and micro level). In other words, a process where culturalproducts and experiences impart and afford a specific significance. Within childhoodresearch, the project has its locus within social constructionism as it is formulated by theethnographically oriented approaches such as sociology of childhood.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Oslo: University of Oslo , 2005.
Keywords [en]
media, migration, diaspora, youth, family
National Category
Media and Communications Computer and Information Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-2805Local ID: 2082/3207OAI:, id: diva2:240023
Childhoods 2005 Oslo - Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies International Conference June 29 - July 3, 2005
2009-08-172009-08-172025-01-31Bibliographically approved