This degree project was conducted in collaboration with Sandab – Sandwich System
AB located outside of Laholm.
The purpose of the project was to create a principal solution to manufacture a “ready
for delivery” truck body for costumers located further away. In addition to this
Sandab requested us to look into the aluminum profiles witch binds together the
construction and investigate the possibilities to minimize the cold bridges.
To solve our main task we hade to look over the entire construction and create a
solution witch allows the truck body to be partly assembled and then packaged in the
factory at Sandab to a flat package. Afterwards the package will be delivered to the
costumer and on site the final assembly will take place in such an easy way that
special tooling will not be required.
When it came to minimize the cold bridges within the aluminum profiles we based
our ideas on Sandabs own construction and instead tried to change the parts witch
holds the walls, the ceiling and the floor on the inside.
In this report we will present different solutions witch we have been working on
during the time and compare these against each other and in the end present our final,
complete solution.
Högskolan i Halmstad/Sektionen för Ekonomi och Teknik (SET) , 2009.