This project is a degree project made to give a degree in electronic- and mechatronic-
engineering. The assigner HMS wants to expand their test system regarding their products.
In the existing test system this is done by a manual control of the products functions.
For the assigner the project aim is to in a higher degree than today automate the
test procedure and secure the quality.
Equipment has been developed in the project that contains a sensor connected to a logic
unit which communicates the sensor values to a PC. Measurements show that equipment
on a reliable way can measure if the light emitting diodes that are assembled on the assigner
product emit light or not. It can also decide if the light emitting diodes shine with
red or green light.
Advantage with the equipment is the components low price and the easy implement in to
the already existing system. This since the communication with the already existing system
is done by USB, which is ordinary occurring in modern computers.
This report describes work methods, technical choices, constructions and final result.