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Protocols with Heterogeneous Real-Time Services for High-Performance Embedded Networks
Halmstad University, School of Information Science, Computer and Electrical Engineering (IDE).
2002 (English)Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Network protocols for applications that demand high performance and heterogeneous real-time services are presented. These protocols control the medium access to the network and offer additional features to the user, both different user services for traffic and services for parallel and distributed real-time processing. The network architecture assumed is a unidirectional pipelined optical ring.

Radar Signal Processing (RSP) is a typical application area. Such a system contains many computation nodes that are interconnected in order to co-operate and thereby achieve higher performance. The computing performance of the whole system is greatly affected by the choice of network. Computing nodes in a parallel computer for RSP should be tightly coupled, i.e., communications cost (e.g. latency) between nodes should be small, so that the whole system can be perceived as a single unit. This is possible if a suitable network with an efficient protocol is used.

There is an industrial need for new high-performance networks with support for the, often heterogeneous, real-time requirements found in (often embedded) applications such as RSP and other areas such as multimedia. The traffic this kind of network can be classified according to its requirements. The proposed protocols partition the traffic into three classes with distinctly different qualities. These classes are traffic with hard real-time demands, such as mission critical commands, traffic with soft real-time demands, such as process data (a deadline miss here only leads to decreased performance) and, finally, traffic with no real-time constraints at all. The contributions of the present thesis are protocols that integrate heterogeneous real-time services for the three traffic classes.

The performance of the proposed protocols is evaluated through simulations and analysis. It is shown that the protocol is an efficient choice for RSP systems. A brief survey of related technologies is included in the thesis. These are studied from the perspectives of application, architecture and user service.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Göteborg: Chalmers tekniska högskola , 2002. , p. x, 26
Technical report. L ; 14
Keywords [en]
Optical, Ring, Pipeline, Distributed, Parallel-Processing, Real-time, SAN, System Area Network, Heterogeneous, Service
National Category
Computer Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-376Local ID: 2082/700OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hh-376DiVA, id: diva2:237555
Available from: 2007-01-10 Created: 2007-01-10 Last updated: 2020-05-12Bibliographically approved
List of papers
1. Fibre-ribbon pipeline ring network with distributed global deadline scheduling and deterministic user services
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Fibre-ribbon pipeline ring network with distributed global deadline scheduling and deterministic user services
2001 (English)In: International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 2001, Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society , 2001, p. 311-318, article id 951967Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This paper introduces a novel, fair medium access protocol for a pipelined optical ring network. The protocol provides global deadline scheduling of packets. Requests for sending packets are sent by the nodes in the network to a master node. The master uses the deadline information in the requests to determine which packet is most urgent. Arbitration is done in two steps, the collection and distribution phases. The protocol is therefore called two-cycle medium access (TCMA). The network is best suited for LANs and SANs (system area networks) such as a high speed network in a cluster of computers or in an embedded parallel computer. Offered services in this network include best effort messages, guarantee seeking messages, real-time virtual channels, functions used in parallel processing. These are possible without additional higher level protocols. A simulation analysis of the network with the protocol is presented. Further analysis shows minimum slot length and fairness of the protocol.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2001
Fiber-optic communication, Real-time communication
National Category
Computer Engineering
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-2735 (URN)10.1109/ICPPW.2001.951967 (DOI)000172972000043 ()2-s2.0-84953706254 (Scopus ID)2082/3137 (Local ID)0-7695-1260-7 (ISBN)2082/3137 (Archive number)2082/3137 (OAI)
International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 3-7 September, 2001, Valencia, Spain

©2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.

Available from: 2009-08-12 Created: 2009-08-12 Last updated: 2018-02-08Bibliographically approved
2. Fibre-ribbon ring network with inherent support for earliest deadline first message scheduling
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Fibre-ribbon ring network with inherent support for earliest deadline first message scheduling
2002 (English)In: Proceedings: International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium : April 15-19, 2002, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA, Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE , 2002, p. 157-163, article id 1016235Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This paper presents a network with earliest deadline first (EDF) scheduling on a per slot basis. The network is called CCR-EDF (Control Channel based Ring network with EDF scheduling). The topology is a pipelined unidirectional fibre-ribbon ring that supports several simultaneous transmissions in non-overlapping segments and with dedicated fibres for clock and arbitration. In each slot the node that has highest priority generates the clock. The clock hand over strategy together with the scheduling feature gives the network the functionality for earliest deadline scheduling of periodic messages belonging to logical real-time connections. Logical realtime connections may be added and removed during runtime, through admission control. Guaranteed realtime communication service is supported to the user. Other services include best effort traffic and special services for parallel and distributed processing such as barrier synchronisation and global reduction.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE, 2002
Fiber-optic communication, Real-time communication
National Category
Computer Engineering
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-2749 (URN)10.1109/IPDPS.2002.1016235 (DOI)2-s2.0-84966604780 (Scopus ID)2082/3151 (Local ID)0-7695-1573-8 (ISBN)2082/3151 (Archive number)2082/3151 (OAI)
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium : April 15-19, 2002, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Copyright © 2002 IEEE. Reprinted from the IPDPS 2002 proceedings. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of the University of Halmstads's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to pubs-permissions@ieee.org. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.

Available from: 2009-08-12 Created: 2009-08-12 Last updated: 2018-02-09Bibliographically approved
3. A Pipelined Ring Network - Heterogeneous Real-time in Radar Signal Processing
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A Pipelined Ring Network - Heterogeneous Real-time in Radar Signal Processing
2003 (English)In: Applied Informatics: AI 2003, ACTA Press , 2003, p. 825-832Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The paper presents results of simulations done with the CCR-EDF (Control Channel based Ring network with EDF scheduling) pipelined ring network together with a case study of system area networks for radar signal processing. The topology of the network is a pipelined unidirectional fibre-ribbon ring that supports several simultaneous transmissions in non-overlapping segments. Access to the network is divided into slots. In each slot the node that has the highest priority message is permitted to transmit. This feature of the medium access protocol gives the network the functionality for earliest deadline first scheduling. Different classes of traffic are supported for the user. These are guaranteed logical real-time channels (LRTC), best effort (BE) channels and non real-time (NRT) traffic. The case study used is from an airborne radar signal processing (RSP) application. Results of the simulations indicate that the CCR-EDF network works well with the RSP application studied.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
ACTA Press, 2003
Applied Informatics, ISSN 1027-2666 ; 21
Heterogeneous, Real-time, Radar, Ring network, Optical, Pipeline
National Category
Computer Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-405 (URN)2-s2.0-1442326797 (Scopus ID)2082/729 (Local ID)0-88986-341-5 (ISBN)2082/729 (Archive number)2082/729 (OAI)
The 21st IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics (AI 2003), February 10-13, 2003, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 10-13, 2003
Available from: 2007-01-18 Created: 2007-01-18 Last updated: 2018-10-09Bibliographically approved
4. Heterogeneous real-time services in high-performance system area networks - application demands and case study definitions
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Heterogeneous real-time services in high-performance system area networks - application demands and case study definitions
2002 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

To be able to verify the feasibility of high-performance networks, it is essential to evaluate them according to specific application requirements. At the same time, specifications of quite general, or understandable, application requirements are needed for the ability to make repeated analyses on different networks. Especially, heterogeneous real-time requirements must be defined to be able to analyze networks to be used in future applications. In this report, we introduce two application fields where system area networks (SANs) supporting heterogeneous real-time services are highly desirable if not required: radar signal processing and large IP routers. For each application field, a case study with heterogeneous real-time communication requirements is defined. No case studies are presented in this report. Instead, they are defined for later evaluations to determine how suitable networks are for applications with heterogeneous real-time communication requirements.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Halmstad: School of Information Science, Computer and Electrical Engineering (IDE), Halmstad University, 2002. p. 10
Technical Report ; IDE - 0254
Embedded systems, interconnection networks
National Category
Computer Engineering
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-51 (URN)
Available from: 2009-08-25 Created: 2009-08-24 Last updated: 2018-03-23Bibliographically approved

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