Context-aware computing is an important research theme of ubiquitous computing. One of the most debated issues regarding context-aware applications is the extent to which such applications can capture the complexity of social context. This debate has been fueled by the fact that many of the documented context-aware applications convey a relatively simplistic view of context. The typical separation between human activity and context is problematic as context is not something simply in which interaction occurs.This paper applies and evaluates the plausibility of Dourish ’s (2001a, 2001b, 2004) interactional context view for designing context-aware applications that transcend the mainstream design agenda in context-aware computing. On the basis of a canonical action research study, we develop and test design principles for context-aware applications that convey an interactional view of context. Recognizing the car not only as an excellent example of a ubiquitous information environment, but also as an interesting and complex use setting already commonplace in the modern community, we have implemented and assessed a car infotainment application to provide us with a firm illustration of what such a context-aware application might be.