This chapter elaborates on two concepts which the author have used in his existing work, and that he would consider to be part of a theoretical ‘tool box’ that digital media scholars might draw on: place and wayfaring. The concept of place is well established across a range of literature, and has been used most consistently in human geography, as well as in anthropology. In the case of digital photography and its online sharing, for instance, photographs might be produced in localities, they might represent aspects of localities and they might also be viewed in localities. Camera phone photography is particularly interesting in this respect because people might take photographs of their environments and/or themselves in them, upload them and engage with people in relation to them online. Digital photography is one of the everyday life, professional and technological practices and activities that are entangled with everyday life, and both photographic technologies and practices become increasingly ubiquitous. © 2016 selection and editorial matter, Edgar Gómez Cruz and Asko Lehmuskallio; individual chapters, the contributors.