This chapter discusses the use of social media (SM) and trust-building in the marketing of two emerging wine countries, Poland and Sweden. Hitherto, research on social media usage in the wine sector focuses on established wine producers and wine tourism destinations in the major wine-producing countries. Moreover, research on trust-building in online communication in the wine sector is highly fragmented and focused mostly on e-commerce. We extend and expand the social exchange theory, the theory of reasoned action, and the ABI model of trust when explaining trust-building in SM. The empirical material is based on the social media activities (Facebook and Instagram) of the vineyards. The findings suggest that most vineyards in Sweden and Poland have a profound interest and competence in wine production from the technical side, but lack knowledge regarding SM communication. The Swedish government alcohol retail monopoly does not allow cellar-door sales, which reduces the perceived profits of using social media for marketing the products. Notwithstanding, it is of utmost importance that the wine sectors in Poland and Sweden learn how to use social media for communication and trust-building with stakeholders – after all, it does not matter how good the product is if nobody knows about it. © 2024