This project, in collaboration with Consid AB, aims to develop a softwarethat reduces the time to market for new web projects to their customers. Theproject is called BFFConnector and handles requests and responses betweendifferent Content Management Systems (CMS) and the back-end server viaa structured communication channel (API). The goal is to standardize thearchitecture between front-end and back-end, which streamlines thedevelopers' work in new customer projects.The project is a Proof of Concept, that is, a project to find out answers to thequestions that Consid needs to know in order to consider whether it is worthdeveloping further. What Consid wants to know is whether the project cansave development hours for customer projects and benefit the company'sresource allocation.Two different CMS systems, that Consid often uses for its customerprojects, are implemented in the prototype for the BFFConnector. Toevaluate the connections, an integration test is carried out that imitates acustomer project already carried out by Consid. The integration test showsthat we can use the same front-end application regardless of which CMSsystem is active in the backend. This shows evidence that the projectcontributes to increased efficiency for web development projects. The resultis a big factor in Consid's decision whether to invest resources to developthe software further.