Den palliativa cancerpatientens upplevelser av omvårdnad i hemmet: En litteraturstudie
2021 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Palliative cancer patients experience of nursing at home : A literature review (English)
Abstract [sv]
Bakgrund: Många cancerpatienter som är i livets slutskede önskar att erhålla palliativ vård i sitt hem. Hemmet är en vanlig plats för palliativ vård och den plats där många patienter vill dö då patienterna känner en trygghet där. Den palliativa omvårdnaden ges ofta av delegerad personal inom hemtjänsten. När patienter erhåller palliativ vård i hemmet minskar antalet sjukhusvistelser markant. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva den palliativa cancerpatientens upplevelser av omvårdnad i hemmet. Metod: Studien utfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie med induktiv ansats där nio vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades. Data bearbetades och sammanställdes med inspiraton av en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Upplevelserna av den palliativa omvårdnaden i hemmet för patienter med cancersjukdom var mestadels positiva. Fem teman framkom som representerar patientens behov. Utifrån patienters upplevelse önskas palliativ cancervård i hemmet som är symtomlindrande, holistisk, kommunikativ, kompetent samt tillgänglig. Konklusion: Av de fem teman som framkom i resultatet utgjorde symtomlindrande det behovet som patienterna såg som det viktigaste, framförallt symtomlindring av cancerrelaterad smärta. Ytterligare forskning och utbildning inom området palliativ vård i hemmet för cancersjuka patienter behövs för att optimalt kunna ge en så bra vård som möjligt.
Abstract [en]
Background: Many cancerpatients who are in the final stages of life want to receive palliative care in their home. The home is a common place for palliative care and the place where many patients want to die as they feel safe there. The palliative home- health care is often provided by delegated personal in the homecare service. When patients receive palliative care in the home many hospitalvisits decreases. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe the palliative cancerpatients experiences of nursing at home. Method: The study was conducted as a general literature study with an inductive approach that includes nine scientific articles. Data was processed and compiled with inspiration of a content analysis. Result: The experiences of the palliative home- health care for patient’s with a cancerdisease were mostly postive. Five theames emerged that represented the patients needs. Based on patients' experience, palliative cancer care is desired in the home, which is symptom-relieving, holistic, communicative, competent and accessible. Conclusion: Of the five themes that emerged in the resault, symtom-relief was the need that patients saw as the most important, especially symtom-relief of cancer related pain. Further research and education within the field of palliative care in the home for patients with a cancerdisease is needed to be able to optimally provide as good care as possible.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2021. , p. 14
Keywords [en]
cancer, home health care, nursing, palliative care, patients experience
Keywords [sv]
cancer, hemsjukvård, omvårdnad, palliativ vård, patientens erfarenhet
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-45911OAI:, id: diva2:1612906
Subject / course
Educational program
Nursing Programme, 180 credits
2021-11-222021-11-192021-11-22Bibliographically approved