A content addressable memory (CAM) is a type of memory that implements a parallel search engine at its core. A CAM takes as an input a value and outputs the address where this value is stored in case of a match. CAMs are used in a wide range of applications including networking, cashing, neuromorphic associative memories, multimedia, and data analytics. Here, we introduce a novel opto-electronic CAM (OE-CAM) utilizing the integrated silicon photonic platform. In our approach, we explore the performance of an experimental OE-CAM and verify the efficiency of the device at 25 Gbit/s while maintaining the bit integrity under noise conditions. We show that OE-CAM enables a) two orders of magnitude faster search functionality resulting in b) a five orders of magnitude lower power-delay-product compared to CAMs implementations based on other emerging technologies. This remarkable performance potential is achieved by utilizing i) a high parallelism of wavelength-division-multiplexing in the optical domain, combined with ii) 10's of GHz-fast opto-electronic components, packaged in iii) integrated photonics for 10-100's ps-short communication delays. We further verify the upper optical input power limit of this OE-CAM to be given by parasitic nonlinearities inside the silicon waveguides, and the minimal detectable optical power at the back-end photoreceiver's responsivity given channel noise. Such energy-efficient and short-delay OE-CAMs could become a key component of functional photonic-augmented ASICS, co-processors, or smart sensors. © IEEE