Känslornas inspel vid återhämtning efter akut idrottsskada: en reflexiv tematisk analys
2020 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Emotions' inplay in the recovery after an acute sports injury : a reflexive thematic analysis (English)
Abstract [sv]
Syftet med studien var att öka förståelsen kring idrottares emotionella tillstånd under sin rehabiliteringsperiod i samband med en akut idrottsskada, samt den emotionella responsens betydelse under rehabiliteringsprocessen. Vidare grundades syftet på att öka kunskapen om idrottarnas motivation under rehabiliteringen. Studien utgick från en reflexiv tematisk analys. En semistrukturerad intervjuguide skapades varav den första delen fokuserade på emotionella responser under rehabiliteringen och den andra på motivation till rehabilitering. Deltagarna i studien var åtta elitsatsande lagidrottande män i åldrarna 21–26 (M=23.75. SD=1.91), som alla drabbats av en akut idrottsskada där minst en månads rehabilitering krävdes. Resultatet visade att det emotionella tillståndet under rehabiliteringen förändrades efter påverkan av olika faktorer som, acceptans av skadan, framsteg under rehabiliteringen och stöd från sjukgymnast. Även den emotionella responsen hade betydelse, då idrottarna upplevde avsky/motvilja och rädsla tidigt i rehabiliteringen. Vidare visade resultatet att idrottarnas motivation styrdes av självbestämmande faktorer såsom identifiering och värdering. Även kontrollerande motivation hittades, baserat på viljan att umgås och hjälpa sina lagkamrater. Då alla intervjupersoner hänvisade till negativa emotionella gensvar tidigt under rehabiliteringen är det viktigt att forskningen fortsätter belysa problemet.
Abstract [en]
The purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge of athletes' emotional conditions during their rehabilitation after an acute sports injury, also the importance of emotional response during the rehabilitation process. Furthermore, the purpose of the study was to increasing knowledge of athletes' motivation during the rehabilitation. The study proceeded through a reflexive thematic analysis. A semi-structured interview guide was constructed, where the first part was focusing on emotional responses during the rehabilitation, and the second on motivation for rehabilitation. Participants in the study were eight elite team playing men between the ages of 21 and 26 (M=23.75. SD=1.91) who suffered an acute sports injury where at least one month of rehabilitation was required. The results showed that the emotional state during rehabilitation changed based on the impact of factors like, acceptance of the injury, progress during the rehabilitation, and support from physiotherapists. Even the emotional responses mattered, as the athletes experienced disgust/reluctance and fear early in the rehabilitation. The results showed that athletes' motivation was guided by selfdetermination factors such as identification and evaluation. Even controlled motivation was found, based on the desire to socialize and help their teammates. As all athletes referred to negative emotional responses early in rehabilitation, it is important that research continues to highlight the problem.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2020. , p. 34
Keywords [en]
Acute sports injury, Rehabilitation, Emotions, Motivation, Athletes
Keywords [sv]
Akut idrottsskada, Rehabilitering, Emotioner, Motivation, Idrottare
National Category
Sport and Fitness Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-41796OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hh-41796DiVA, id: diva2:1416636
Subject / course
Educational program
Sport Science - Sport and Exercise Psychology, 180 credits
2020-03-132020-03-242020-03-26Bibliographically approved