The main propose with this pre-study was to assess a new Chinese concept concerning Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants for typical Swedish conditions with biomass as fuel. The new enhancement is to use a large absorption heat pump for the final heat supply instead of the turbine condenser. More heat can then be recovered from the three units that will deliver the heat (the flue gas condenser, the turbine condenser and the absorption heat pump). So far, this new CHP solution has never been implemented outside China. For this pre-study, the simulation model was elaborated on design data from the Örtofta biomass CHP plant outside Lund. The results show that Chinese concept will provide the higher conversion efficiency, but with lower power-to-heat ratio. The main benefit is that more heat can be recycled from the flue gas condenser. The payback time of installing absorption heat pump is always over eight years within expected intervals for alternative costs for electricity and heat. The Chinese concept is less suitable for the Swedish context with biomass backpressure CHP plants, since the proportion of lost electricity becomes rather high. The Chinese context with utilization of existing condensation turbines is still interesting, since condenser heat can be recycled without major modification of existing turbines.