This study is part of the PhD-project aimed at examining Swedish professional handball players’ career experiences and developing an applied framework to improve career assistance. Inspired by the cultural praxis of athletes’ careers (Stambulova & Ryba, 2013; 2014) we blend theory, research, and practice with the athletes’ cultural and sporting contexts. In the previous part, the author and three co-authors (2018) developed an empirical career model (ECM-H) describing players’ changing demands across career stages from the holistic perspective (Wylleman, Rosier, & De Knop, 2015) and showing that they need different types of career assistance at different stages. This second part study aims to develop and validate an applied framework – the career-long psychological support services (CLPSS). To create the initial version of the CLPSS a heuristic approach combining the ECM-H with the author’s applied sport psychology experiences was used. Then the initial version was validated in two focus groups with elite handball coaches (n=4) and experienced sport psychology consultants (n=3) following Kreuger and Casey’s (2015) recommendations. The participants were positive to the initial version and suggested several improvements. The validated CLPSS implements the whole career and whole person perspectives with the four career stages aligned with age markers and three layers of career assistance issues derived from the Swedish handball context, athletes’ perceived demands, and desirable support from relevant stakeholders (e.g., coaches, parents). The CLPSS helps to understand, what issues to address and when in a career to facilitate players’ coping, reduce unnecessary stress, and promote sustainable careers in elite handball.