Dual career (DC) is defined as “a career with major foci on sport and studies or work” (Stambulova & Wylleman, 2015; p.1). Relevant research and practice in Europe have been informed by specific DC context in the EU countries (e.g., separated sport and education settings) and inspired by White Paper on Sport (European Commission, 2007), and further by the European Guidelines on DCs of Athletes (European Commission, 2012). This symposium brings together DC researchers from three European countries who during last four years collaborated on several European level DC projects. The aim of the symposium is to overview and discuss recent European DC research and its multiple links to dual career support to talented, elite, semi-/professional and retired athletes. The first presenter will make a brief overview of psychological research on athletes’ DCs and four recent European projects. The second and the third presenters will focus on two interrelated aspects of the “Gold in Education and Elite Sport” project: competencies of DC athletes and competencies of DC support providers emphasizing measurement, empirical findings, and applications. The fourth presenter will shift a focus to development, implementation, and evaluation of an educational module on competencies of DC support providers as a part of the project “The development and evaluation of training modules for DC support providers: A European pilot”. The fifth presenter will share insights from the “Mind the Gap” project about roles and competencies of DC support providers helping semi-/professional football players to prepare for the transition to the post-sport career.