Objectives: The aim of the investigation was to describe situations with a significant influence on healthy diet and exercise habits among nurses working night shift. Methods: A qualitative descriptive design with a Critical Incident Technique approach was used. Situations were collected by means of interviews with 27 registered/enrolled community nurses. Results: A total of 143 situations were identified comprising two main areas: coping ability at work and coping ability during leisure hours. Coping ability at work included 81 critical incidents grouped into two categories: the nurses’ diet and exercise habits were influenced by social interaction with colleagues at work and by the disruption to their circadian rhythm. Coping ability during leisure hours included 62 critical incidents grouped into two categories: the diet and exercise habits were influenced when the nurses recovered from the disruption to their circadian rhythm and when they took advantage of the freedom of action offered by night work. Conclusions: By identifying the factors that influence diet and exercise habits among nurses working night shift, strategies can be developed in order to strengthen the factors with a positive influence. © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.