A main goal of the currently elected Managing Council of the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) is to establish certification guidelines for specialists in applied sport psychology. These guidelines are to define the minimum standard for practitioners in the field of sport psychology - who can have an initial qualification background in either psychology or sport science - that must be met to qualify for professional independent practice in the field of applied sport psychology. This certified practitioner should be able to plan, execute and evaluate sport psychology counselling for mentally healthy athletes who aim to enhance and optimize performance and wellbeing. This excludes work with athletes who suffer from mental health problems, whilst being aware that the line between performance enhancement and mental health issues is not an obvious one (see Roberts, Faull & Tod, 2016). Up until now the members of the FEPSAC MC have analyzed and evaluated the certification systems of different European countries and discussed the topic with individuals and organizations with expertise in certification and education in applied sport psychology. Based on the outcome of these discussions, the MC put forward criteria that need to be met by practitioners in order to be able to receive the FEPSAC certification. These criteria relate to four areas, namely: (a) higher education qualification; (b) sspecialization in sport psychology; (c) supervised applied practice; and (d) commitment to European and FEPSAC values. During the presentation we will outline these four areas in more detail and further describe the progress FEPSAC has made with regard to implementing its certification system. The goal is to have the certification system running by 2019 preceded by a pilot phase in 2018.