Today, more and more people are sitting, both at work and on their leisure time. And for many people, this creates problems in back, neck and shoulders etcetera. In many companies, therapists like naprapaths, chiropractors and masseuses are hired to help the staff with their problems. When these therapists are visiting the companies, they are in need of a portable treatment table, where they can execute their treatments. At the therapist's clinic they usually have a very robust treatment table, that can easily be raised and lowered. However, when the therapist needs to execute their treatment at another location, this option is no longer available, due to the limited construction of the portable treatment tables today. This leads to a non-ergonomic working position for the therapist during the manipulations he or she needs to be doing. Also it leads to a non-optimal treatment for the patient. To get a better ergonomic, and more optimal working position, a lightweight portable treatment table is being developed. This portable treatment table can easily be adjusted in height. Due to its lightweight construction, the therapist´s can still easily carry the table and the therapist also get some of the benefits from a stationary treatment table. This result, offers a more ergonomic working position for the therapist and also a more optimal treatment for the patient, compared to the previous alternatives on the market today. In this project, a fully functional treatment table, has been developed as an alternative to the portable treatment tables today. The portable treatment table which been produced, offers adjustments in height, and also other components to attract a wider market. Recentibus portable treatment table is a necessity, in every therapist´s arsenal.