In Sweden, statistics show that accounting frauds have increased in number in recent
years and that the cases which have been clarified has fallen from 71 % in 2007 to 40 %
in 2016. In order to be convicted for a crime, two requisites must be met. The first
requisite is overriding uncertainty and the second is power uncertainty. These two props
are of 11 chapters. 5 § of the accounting act, which refers to the breach of the accounting
obligation from the accounting act. The good accounting practice can therefore be linked
to accounting errors, as it is written in the accounting act that the accounts should conform
to good accounting practice.
The accounting board has the greatest responsibility for the preservation and development
of the good accounting practice. In 2004, the K-project started, which consists of different
regulations that unlisted companies are expected to apply. The accounting board can’t
issue any binding rules but provides guidance, which, in their opinion, represents good
accounting for unlisted companies in categories 1-3. The accounting board has legal
support in chapter 8, section 1 of the accounting act to be responsible for the development
of the good accounting practice and thus have great power in assessing legal cases. The
courts hand over questions for referral where the accounting board can answer what
represents good accounting practice in a particular case.
The purpose of our study has been to investigate whether it is possible for a company to
breach only good accounting practice, which is a violation of the law, but not to be
convicted of a breach of accounting. We investigate if a company can report in a certain
way to avoid being convicted of an accounting violation. In order to draw a conclusion
and fulfill the purpose, we have with help of constructed cases, shown cases where
companies may commit a breach of accounts. As the accounting board works with good
accounting practice, most types of cases have been constructed using their K-regulations.
The cases have been reviewed by the economic crimes agency and subsequently analyzed
by us to see if the breach and power expulsion has been met.
The results of the study indicate that a company that deviates from the accounting practice
could have avoided being sentenced for an accounting breach. This could happen if the
companies had provided detailed information in the notes and information in the
management report regarding their choice of method. This could be weighed into the
assessment of a possible crime. This does not apply to all companies, as it is also required
that companies have a good motivation for their choice of method. With the right
information, it may result in power failure, thus avoid being sentenced for accounting
2017. , p. 46
Bokföringsnämnden, god redovisningssed, bokföringsbrott, K-regelverk, K2, K3, åsidosättanderekvisit, effektrekvisit