In an aesthetic methods course within teacher education, teachers and students experienced that the different aesthetic subjects and the teachers were separated from one another. In order to improve subject collaboration and joint professional reflection in action, a coteaching project in “music-drama” was initiated. The aim of the project was to investigate how three aesthetic teachers in teacher education engaged in a coteaching project concerning music and drama and to explore the potential of coteaching in addressing the issue of providing a more integrated approach to teacher learning.. The project was designed in three phases; coplanning, coteaching and coevaluation (Murphy & Scantlebury, 2010). The aim of the study was to analyse how a music teacher and two drama teachers reflected in action in a coteaching project. The theoretical framework is sociocultural, where aspects of learning from ´the other´ in praxis by working in a ZPD is of special interest. Empirical material consists of classroom reflections in action, focus group conversations and students´ written reflections. Preliminary findings show three prominent patterns in the empirical material: • creativity as a problem solver, • synergies in subjects parallels • differences as resources for joint learning. Coteaching provided an arena for joint creative intutitive learning where trust among the teachers enabled them to work in their ZPD, a process that acquired courage and self-confidence. In conclusion, the teachers´ reflections in action appeared as expressions of being in their zone of proximal development, where courage and trust were crucial in order to engage in mutual professional learning.