The purpose of this essay is to analyse Søren Kierkegaard’s “Fear and Trembling”, Karl Jaspers “Philosophy of Existence” and Paul Tillichs “Systematic Theology part 2” on their stand on Christian existentialism. The method used in the analysis is Hermeneutic, which is a must, when reading and understanding these three philosophical works. The essay will also have a comparative approach to obtain depth in the conclusions. Another purpose is to link the conclusions of the essay to the school values and the school curriculum. The link will not be strong but a correlation will become visible. The conclusions of this essay will show that the three authors have similarities and differences. The three authors unite in the idea that the purpose of life is faith in the Christian God. But how to reach that faith differs; Kierkegaard writes that an infinite resignation is a must, so that faith in the absurd will bring you everything back. Jaspers writes that science is a mean to create a framework for every individual. The framework will give you a perception of existence but can’t be used to achieve Existenz. Existenz is the goal in the search for the truth of yourself and what being means. Tillich writes that the purpose of life is to return to your being of essence, which means how man was supposed to be before “the fall”. Tillich writes an ontological analysis of being.