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Experiences of a digital-based high-intensity interval training (HIIT) intervention in individuals with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA)
Capio Movement, Dept. of Rheumatology, Halmstad, Sweden.
Dept. of Clinical Sciences, Section of Rheumatology, Lund, Sweden; Spenshults Research and Development, Centre, Halmstad, Sweden.ORCID-id: 0000-0002-4341-660X
Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för företagande, innovation och hållbarhet. Ängelholm hospital, Dept. of Rehabilitation, Ängelholm, Sweden.ORCID-id: 0009-0001-3870-1027
Capio Movement, Dept. of Rheumatology, Halmstad, Sweden.
Visa övriga samt affilieringar
2023 (Engelska)Konferensbidrag, Poster (med eller utan abstract) (Refereegranskat)
Abstract [en]

Background: Physical exercise is included in the recommended treatment for individuals with axSpA, and different forms of aerobic training are known to improve health and cardiorespiratory function. However, little is known about the experiences of digital-based HIIT in individuals with axSpA.

Objective: To describe experiences of a digital-based HIIT intervention in individuals with axSpA.

Method: The participants completed a standardized training protocol, including three sessions/week (two HIIT sessions) in self-selected activities for 12 weeks. They used a fitness watch and were individually coached by a physical therapist primarily by telephone. Individual interviews were conducted with 12 participants (table 1). Open-ended questions were used such as; “How have you experienced the HIIT intervention?”, and “How has the HIIT intervention affected you?”. Data were analyzed by qualitative content analysis.

Results: The analysis resulted in four categories constituted of 12 subcategories (table 2) describing participation in a digital-based HIIT intervention as: 1) The intervention design creates opportunities for exercise through easy accessibility, time efficiency, and increased selfawareness.

Conclusion: Individuals with axSpA found that the intervention provided exercise opportunities. Encouragement and positive well-being effects was highlighted, but the need to overcome difficulties was also emphasized. These findings are key for implementing sustainable, individualized HIIT-based rehabilitation.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Nationell ämneskategori
Idrottsvetenskap och fitness
Hälsoinnovation, M4HP
URN: urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-52585OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hh-52585DiVA, id: diva2:1836184
Reumadagarna, Malmö, Sweden, 27-29 September, 2023
Ingår i projekt
Hur påverkar högintensiv konditionsträning inflammationsparametrar hos individer med inflammatorisk ryggsjukdom - en pilotstudie, ReumatikerförbundetTillgänglig från: 2024-02-08 Skapad: 2024-02-08 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-11Bibliografiskt granskad

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Larsson, IngridTorell, AnnaHaglund, Emma

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Larsson, IngridTorell, AnnaHaglund, Emma
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Akademin för företagande, innovation och hållbarhet
Idrottsvetenskap och fitness

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  • modern-language-association-8th-edition
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