The research in this article has learning-by-doing during digital design as a foundation. The goal of digital design is to develop digital applications [1], such as apps on smartphones or web-applications. This article presents a teaching case, designed by the authors, in order to explore students' reflections on learning. The teaching case is called Bicycle Workshop (BW), where the general idea is that the students carry through a digital design project. At the end of the BW project, every student writes a reflection on what they have learned in BW. The research has been guided by the research question: How can students' reflections on learning in digital design support our understanding of learning-bydoing in higher education? The presented research complements earlier research on digital design and learning. The overall research approach in this article is inspired by interpretive and qualitative research. We have applied Myers framework for qualitative research where the underlying philosophy is interpretive. Presented in the article is a list of five findings relating to students reflections on learning. The research also contributes with an exemplification of how a synthesis of Blooms revised taxonomy, locus of control and self-efficacy have been applied in order to understand digital design and learning.