Digital tools in preschool teaching are often presented as something threatening in the public debate, often in relation to health risks, such as sedentary behaviour. This article finds new ways to discuss this through an investigation of what conditions the use of mobile documentation technology in relation to both storytelling and movement in preschool education. We discuss how the physical and the digital can relate to each other in preschool teaching. With a particular focus on bodily aspects and storytelling, we explore new ways of approaching children’s perspectives with a point of departure in mobile digital documentation. Based on data material consisting of children's documentation of their immediate environment with the help of action cameras (that is, small digital film cameras that are applied to the body with the help of a helmet or harness). The bodily, pedagogical, and ethical consequences of combining the physical and the digital in preschool education are discussed. The data is analyzed with inspiration from a social anthropological perspective with a focus on the epistemological couplet emic/etic. The analyzes are characterized by what could be called an "epic" approach to the child filming and to each other during their movements in the surroundings of the preschool. The study offers an example of how movement can be staged in preschool education. To this end, the combination of physical and digital elements is deemed to be meritorious.