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Academic learning for specialist nurses: A grounded theory study
Faculty of Health, Science and Technology, Department of Health Science, Nursing Science, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden.
Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden & Division of Intervention and Implementation Research, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0204-5144
Faculty of Health, Science and Technology, Department of Health Science, Nursing Science, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden & Faculty of Public Health, Department of Nursing, Hedmark University College, Elverum, Norway.
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2014 (English)In: Nurse Education in Practice, ISSN 1471-5953, E-ISSN 1873-5223, Vol. 14, no 6, p. 714-721Article in journal (Other academic) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim was to explore the major concerns of specialist nurses pertaining to academic learning during their education and initial professional career. Specialist nursing education changed in tandem with the European educational reform in 2007. At the same time, greater demands were made on the healthcare services to provide evidence-based and safe patient-care. These changes have influenced specialist nursing programmes and consequently the profession. Grounded Theory guided the study. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire with open-ended questions distributed at the end of specialist nursing programmes in 2009 and 2010. Five universities were included. Further, individual, pair and group interviews were used to collect data from 12 specialist nurses, 5-14 months after graduation. A major concern for specialist nurses was that academic learning should be "meaningful" for their professional future. The specialist nurses' "meaningful academic learning process" was characterised by an ambivalence of partly believing in and partly being hesitant about the significance of academic learning and partly receiving but also lacking support. Specialist nurses were influenced by factors in two areas: curriculum and healthcare context. They felt that the outcome of contribution to professional confidence was critical in making academic learning meaningful. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Oxford: Elsevier, 2014. Vol. 14, no 6, p. 714-721
Keywords [en]
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Grounded Theory, Higher Education, The Bologna Process, Nursing Masters, Postgraduate Degree Projects
National Category
Research subject
Nursing Science
URN: urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-41044DOI: 10.1016/j.nepr.2014.08.008ISI: 000349568300022PubMedID: 25240945Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-84918584836OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hh-41044DiVA, id: diva2:1373529

Del av licentiatavhandlingen "Akademisering av specialistsjuksköterskans utbildning i Sverige", KUS 2012:56

Available from: 2019-11-27 Created: 2019-11-27 Last updated: 2020-02-25Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Akademisering av specialistsjuksköterskans utbildning i Sverige: Spänningsförhållanden med anledning av utbildningsreform i sådana med Bologna
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Akademisering av specialistsjuksköterskans utbildning i Sverige: Spänningsförhållanden med anledning av utbildningsreform i sådana med Bologna
2012 (Swedish)Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Alternative title[en]
The academisation of specialist nursing education in Sweden – tensions arising from the Bologna process
Abstract [sv]

Licentiatavhandlingens övergripande syfte var att studera konsekvenser av ökad akademisering och akademiskt lärande inom Svensk specialist-sjuksköterskeutbildning efter genomförande av ny utbildningsreform enligt Bologna.

Bakgrund: Specialistsjuksköterskor förväntas i dagens hälso– och sjukvård att kunna bedriva en patientsäker och evidensbaserad vård, vilket kräver akademisk kompetens. Utbildningen till specialistsjuksköterska fördes i och med Bolognaprocessens införande i Sverige 2007 till avancerad utbildningsnivå. Både yrkesexamen och akademisk examen (magisterexamen) skulle inkluderas och integreras i samma utbildning. Detta medförde en förändring från en ämnesinriktad (samlingskodsinriktad) läroplan till en läroplan som syftar till att integrera ämnen (integrationskodsinriktad). Förutom ämnesintegrering skulle yrkesspecifika mål integreras med akademiska mål.

Metod: Artikel I genomfördes i form av ett didaktiskt aktionsforskningsprojekt som pågick under 2½ år. En projektledningsgrupp (n=15-18) från fem lärosäten bildades. Denna grupp har aktivt deltagit i hela aktionsforskningsprocessen och vid projektmöten. Vid varje lärosäte utsågs en projektansvarig som ansvarade för den lokala aktionsforskningsprocessen. Dessa personer samlande in data i form av kursplaner, utbildningsplaner, studiehandledningar, minnesanteckningar från lärarmöten och möten med vårdverksamheter samt minnesanteckningar från forskargruppensmöten. Analys har gjorts med hjälp av konstant komparativ analysmetod. I artikel II användes konstruktivistisk Grounded Theory för att samla in och analysera data. Datainsamlingen påbörjades utifrån specialistsjuksköterskestudenters svar på en enkäts öppna fråga (n=120) i samband med utbildningens avslutning 2009 och 2010. Enkätsvaren reste frågor om specialistsjuksköterskans akademiska lärande. För att inhämta en djupare förståelse genomfördes intervjuer med specialistsjuksköterskor (n=12) som yrkesarbetat mellan 5 och 12 månader efter sin examen. Intervjuerna genomfördes från juni till oktober 2011. Avslutningsvis jämfördes svaren på den öppna enkätfrågan med analysen av intervjuerna.

Resultat: Vid utbildningsreformens införande fanns pedagogiska motsättningar och didaktiska svårigheter som gav upphov till spänningsförhållanden mellan vårdutveckling, forskning, yrkesspecifika mål och akademiska mål. Spänningsförhållanden framkom också när specialistsjuksköterskorna inte erfor att deras akademiska kompetens tillvaratogs och värderades i vårdverksamheten. När stöd inte fanns för akademiskt lärande uppkom villrådighet och specialistsjuksköterskorna blev ambivalenta över om akademiskt lärande var meningsfullt. För att främja meningsfullt akademiskt lärande framhåller deltagarna betydelsen av samverkan och gemensamma arenor mellan lärosäten och vårdverksamhet där nyttoaspekten med akademiskt lärande tydliggörs. De spänningsförhållanden som framkommer var av både positiv och negativ karaktär.

Abstract [en]

The overarching aim of this Licentiate thesis was to study the consequences of academisation and academic learning in the context of Swedish specialist nursing education after the Bologna educational reform had been introduced.

Background: Modern healthcare services expect specialist nurses to be able to execute safe and evidence-based care, which requires academic competence. With the introduction of the Bologna process in Sweden in 2007, specialist nursing programmes were elevated to an advanced level of education. Both a professional qualification and an academic one (Master one year) would be included and integrated into the same programme, leading to a change from a subject-oriented curriculum to one which aims to integrate subjects. As well as subject integration, occupationally-specific objectives would be integrated with academic objectives.

Method: Article I was prepared on the basis of a didactic action-research project which lasted 2½ years. A project leadership team composed of 15-18 members from five universities was created, and this group actively participated in the entire action research process and at project meetings. At each university, one member was appointed project leader for the local action research process and the collation of data from course plans, study plans, study supervision notes and memos from teachers’ meetings and meetings with healthcare providers, as well as the research groups’ own memos. The analysis has been done with the help of the constant comparative analysis method. For article II, constructivist Grounded Theory was used to collect and analyse data. Data collection began with specialist nursing students’ responses (n=120) to the open-ended question of a questionnaire conducted at the end of their programme in 2009 and 2010. The responses to the questionnaire raised questions about the specialist nurses’ academic learning, which was deepened by conducting interviews with specialist nurses (n=12) who had been working for between 5 to 12 months after qualifying. The interviews were conducted in the period JuneOctober 2011. Finally, the answers to the open-ended question were compared with the analysis of the interviews.

Results: In summary, the results revealed that implementation of the Bologna process resulted in pedagogic obstacles and didactic difficulties that gave rise to tensions between specific professional objectives, academic objectives research and clinical development. Tensions also arose when the specialist nurses did not feel their academic competence was being utilized and valued in the healthcare context. When no support for academic learning was given, specialist nurses became hesitant and ambivalent as to the meaningfulness of academic learning. In order to promote meaningful academic learning, the participants highlighted the importance of collaboration and common arenas of activity for universities and healthcare providers in which the benefits of academic learning are made clear. The tensions that arose were of both positive and negative character. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Karlstad: Karlstads universitet, 2012. p. 54
Karlstad University studies, E-ISSN 1403-8099 ; 2012:56
Action Research, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Curriculum, Education Nursing Masters, Grounded Theory, Higher Education, The Bologna Process, Postgraduate Degree Projects.
National Category
Research subject
Nursing Science
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-41043 (URN)978-91-7063-468-0 (ISBN)
2013-01-22, 9C203, Universitetsgatan 2, Karlstad, 13:00 (Swedish)
Available from: 2020-02-19 Created: 2019-11-27 Last updated: 2020-02-19Bibliographically approved

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German Millberg, LenaNordström, Gun

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