The aim of the present study is to gain more knowledge about howthe work environment, in the lean contexts, affect worker wellbeing.It is by examining; What positive and negative effects workin lean contexts has on worker well-being and which causes theoutcome depends on. The study was done by analysis of aqualitative research survey with the starting point to understand thecontradictions in the field of knowledge around lean and wellbeing.Theory of SOC, implementation, participation and supportwas central to the study. The results show the effects of lean onwell-being in terms of commitment, stress, safety and jobsatisfaction, and that it is not possible to determine that the workenvironment, in the lean contexts, exclusively generate positive ornegative effects. However, the analysis shows some interestingcauses of the effects. Causes of effects thematised toimplementation, support and participation. The present studycontributes to the knowledge of the outcome of the effects ofworking in a lean context of workers' well-being.The decisive factor seems to be how the concept is applied. In thepresent study further developed Hasle et al. (2011) model of lean,working environment and workers well-being as an explanatorymodel for the outcome of the impact on workers' well-being, basedon the theory of SOC as a framework for wellness.