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EU grant
Title [sv]
SPINE - smarta kollektivtrafikinitiativ för klimatneutrala städer i Europa
Title [en]
SPINE - Smart Public transport Initiatives for climate-Neutral cities in Europe
Abstract [sv]
SPINE:s vision är att påskynda framstegen mot klimatneutralitet genom att stärka kollektivtrafiksystem genom deras smarta integration med nya mobilitetstjänster, delningssystem, aktiva transportsätt och mikromobilitet. SPINE antar ett eget jämställdhetscentrerat designtänkande, vilket leder övergången till ett mer effektivt, hållbart, motståndskraftigt och inkluderande kollektivtrafiksystem.Ett nätverk av samverkande levande laboratorium (LL) utvecklas för att främja överförbarhet, samtidigt som en intersektionell syn på transportsystemets användare tillämpas. Fyra ledande städer-LL i Antwerpen, Bologna, Tallin och Las Palmas kommer att etableras, och en serie samskapande aktiviteter kommer att äga rum där flera intressenter kommer att vara aktivt engagerade i utvecklingen och demonstrationen av effektiva, replikerbara och socialt acceptabla innovativa mobilitetslösningar, för att främja befintliga tillgångar.SPINE-metoden innefattar skapandet av:1. innovativa simulerings- och digitala tvillingverktyg, tillsammans med öppna data och beteendemodeller, som kommer att möjliggöra konstruktion av scenarier som kombinerar olika mobilitetsinsatser (push and pull-åtgärder tillsammans med stödjande policyer) och genomförandet av de mest lovande verktygen och modellerna2. Datadrivna konsekvensbedömningsmodeller som kommer att främja partnersamverkan, överförbarhet och anpassning av de framgångsrika lösningarna för de fyra LL:erna i sju vänortsstäder – Barreiro, Valladolid, Zilina, Sibenik, Hrakleion, Gdynia och Rouen. SPINE tar fram en högambitiös plan för samdesign och implementering av 55 smarta gröna mobilitetslösningar.SPINE-konsortiet samlar ett tvärvetenskapligt team av 39 partners från 16 länder. Den unika blandningen av erfarna transportingenjörer, kollektivtrafikoperatörer, datavetare, dataanalytiker, transportmodellerare, samhällsvetare, stadsplanerare, policyanalytiker, och mjukvaruleverantörer inom vårt konsortium säkerställer ett heltäckande synsätt på utmaningarna, omfattningen, förväntad påverkan och framgångsrik leverans av projektet.
Abstract [en]
A unique multidisciplinary team from 16 countries is coming together to revolutionise the public transport industry under the EU-funded SPINE project. The primary aim is to accelerate progress towards climate neutrality by reinforcing public transport systems through smart integration with new mobility services, sharing schemes, active transport modes and micromobility. Four Lead City Living Labs – Antwerp, Bologna, Tallinn, Las Palmas – will establish a network of collaboration and foster transferability of the most promising solutions to seven twinning cities: Barreiro, Valladolid, Žilina, Šibenik, Herakleion, Gdynia and Rouen. A series of co-creation activities will take place where multiple stakeholders will be actively engaged in the development and demonstration of efficient, replicable and socially acceptable innovative mobility solutions.SPINE’s vision is to accelerate the progress towards climate neutrality by reinforcing PT systems through their smart integration with new mobility services, sharing schemes, active transport modes, and micromomibilty. SPINE adopts an equity centred design thinking approach, leading the transition to a more efficient, sustainable, resilient, and inclusive PT system. A network of collaborative LLs is developed to foster transferability, while an intersectional view of the transport system users is applied. Four Lead City LLs in Antwerp, Bologna, Tallin and Las Palmas will be established, and a series of co-creation activities will take place where multiple stakeholders will be actively engaged in the development and demonstration of efficient, replicable, and socially acceptable innovative mobility solutions, advancing existing assets. The SPINE approach involves the creation of (a) innovative simulation and Digital Twining (DT) tools, along with open data and behavioural models, that will allow the building of scenarios combining different mobility interventions (push and pull measures along with supporting policies) and the implementation of the most promising ones; (b) data-driven impact assessment models that will foster the twinning, transferability and adaptation of the successful solutions of the four LLs in seven Twining Cities - Barreiro, Valladolid, Zilina, Sibenik, Hrakleion, Gdynia and Rouen-. SPIRE sets a high ambitious plan for the co-design and implementation of 55 smart greens inclusive mobility solutions. The SPINE consortium brings together a multidisciplinary team of 39 partners from 16 countries. The unique mix of experienced transport engineers, Public transport Operators, computer scientists, data analysts, transport modelers, social scientists, urban planners, policy analysts, software providers, within our consortium assures the comprehensive approach to the challenges, scope, expected impact and the successful delivery of the project.Collaboration partners:39 partners from 16 countries
Publications (1 of 1) Show all publications
Weberg, O., Lund, J., Fors, V. & Resmini, A. (2025). Socially resilient mobility planning: Main challenges and design implications. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 29, 1-11, Article ID 101334.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Socially resilient mobility planning: Main challenges and design implications
2025 (English)In: Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, E-ISSN 2590-1982, Vol. 29, p. 1-11, article id 101334Article in journal (Refereed) In press
Abstract [en]

As mobility systems evolve, their design must enable people to adapt to disruptions in their daily lives and routines, making social resilience a vital yet underexplored focus. This is why this study investigates the question: What are the challenges when designing for social resilience in local mobility services? Semi-structured interviews with seven mobility experts revealed the need for a shift from prioritising organizational resources to enhancing social capacity, emphasising individuals’ strengths and established routines. The main challenges for urban planners and developers to achieve this were identified through a lack of guidelines for incorporating social sustainability into mobility planning, that in turn renders difficulties in employing qualitative methods tailored for enabling citizen and stakeholder engagement, as well as developing deeper understandings of local, social life. These findings are illustrated in this article through five design implications, each highlighting strategies to integrate social resilience into mobility systems, ensuring they are responsive and supportive of the communities they serve. © 2025 The Author(s)

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Oxford: Elsevier, 2025
Social Sustainability, Social resilience, Mobility systems, design
National Category
Other Social Sciences
Research subject
Smart Cities and Communities, REBEL
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-55291 (URN)10.1016/j.trip.2025.101334 (DOI)001406866900001 ()2-s2.0-85215416123 (Scopus ID)
Halmstad UniversityEU, Horizon Europe, 101096664
Available from: 2025-01-22 Created: 2025-01-22 Last updated: 2025-02-05Bibliographically approved
Principal InvestigatorLund, Jesper
Co-InvestigatorFors, Vaike
Co-InvestigatorEbbesson, Esbjörn
2023-01-01 - 2026-12-31
Keywords [en]
data science, software, transport planning, urban studies, public transport
National Category
Environmental Engineering
DiVA, id: project:3120Project, id: 101096664_EU

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