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Title [sv]
Implementering av solcellsanläggningar i svensk stadsbyggnad - hinder ur ett aktörsperspektiv
Title [en]
Implementation of photovoltaic systems in the Swedish built environment – barriers from the actors’ perspective
Abstract [sv]
Projektet syftar till att ökad utbyggnad av solceller i Sverige genom att identifiera upplevda hinder i byggprocessen kopplat till olika aktörer, utreda och beskriva dess påverkan och relevans för solcellsanläggningar samt identifiera vilka aktörer som spelar en stor roll. Målet är att ge en heltäckande bild över vilka hinder de olika aktörerna upplever för en generell implementering av solcellsanläggningar i den byggda miljön samt att ge en analys av innovationsekosystemet för implementering solcellsanläggningar i den byggda miljön.
Abstract [en]
Solar electricity is an important component in the system for renewable energy. The implementation speed varies between countries; the share of solar electricity in Sweden has the potential to increase. This research will map barriers among different actors through workshops and questionnaires. The result will be analysed to gain an overall understanding of the relation between the different actors in the innovation eco system. The objective is toanalyse and identify relations between barriers to gain an increased implementation of photovoltaic systems in Sweden. It will form the base for future identification of necessary actions in the sector and on the market toincrease the speed of implementation which is necessary if the photovoltaic technology is to achieve its fullpotential in delivering solar electricity in Sweden. The project will contribute with an understanding of theimplementation process. The project is an industrial PhD project and will result in a licentiate.
Publications (3 of 3) Show all publications
Winkler, C., Perez Vico, E. & Widén, K. (2024). Challenges to business ecosystem alignment when implementing solar photovoltaic systems in the Swedish built environment. Building Research & Information, 52(5), 497-514
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Challenges to business ecosystem alignment when implementing solar photovoltaic systems in the Swedish built environment
2024 (English)In: Building Research & Information, ISSN 0961-3218, E-ISSN 1466-4321, Vol. 52, no 5, p. 497-514Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Implementing solar photovoltaic systems in the built environment (BEPV) is critical for the construction sector’s contribution to mitigating climate change. While previous studies give various insights into innovation implementation, the challenges to value co-creation by construction actors remain underexplored. By studying the alignment of business ecosystems implementing BEPV in the Swedish built environment, we address this need. Drawing on the cumulative experience of construction actors, this study demonstrates how knowledge mislocation, knowledge deficits, cultural discrepancies, insufficient building codes, frequently changing regulations, and implementing a highly embedded innovation can disturb ecosystem alignment. The study contributes to the ecosystem literature, scholarly discussions of innovation implementation in complex construction projects, and the PV diffusion literature by offering insights into the realignment of ecosystems involving value co-creation by actors from previously unconnected industries. The study links PV diffusion research to the construction management literature by exploring the cumulative experience of implementation at the micro level. We highlight the significant industry reconfigurations required to accommodate a deeply embedded technological innovation, reconfigurations going beyond the challenges of implementing systemic innovations encumbered by fewer material dependencies. We also emphasize the critical importance of industrial interaction, coordination, and learning to accelerate the sustainability transition. © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
London: Taylor & Francis, 2024
Business ecosystem; innovation implementation; solar photovoltaic; construction
National Category
Construction Management
Research subject
Smart Cities and Communities
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-51624 (URN)10.1080/09613218.2023.2256435 (DOI)001064674100001 ()2-s2.0-85170654269 (Scopus ID)
Swedish Energy Agency
Available from: 2023-09-12 Created: 2023-09-12 Last updated: 2024-06-26Bibliographically approved
Winkler, C. (2024). Implementing solar photovoltaic systems in buildings: a case of systemic innovation in the construction sector. Construction Innovation, 24(7), 102-123
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Implementing solar photovoltaic systems in buildings: a case of systemic innovation in the construction sector
2024 (English)In: Construction Innovation, ISSN 1471-4175, E-ISSN 1477-0857, Vol. 24, no 7, p. 102-123Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Purpose: This paper aims to explore the process of implementing solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in construction to contribute to the understanding of systemic innovation in construction.

Design/methodology/approach: The exploratory research presented is based on qualitative data collected in workshops and interviews with 76 construction- and solar-industry actors experienced in solar PV projects. Actor-specific barriers were identified and analysed using an abductive approach.

Findings: In light of established definitions of systemic innovation, the process of implementing solar PV systems in construction involves challenges regarding technical and material issues, competencies, and informal and formal institutions. The specificities of this case highlight the necessity of paying attention to details in the process and to develop knowledge of systemic innovation in construction since the industry’s involvement in addressing societal challenges related to the energy transition will require implementing such innovations much more in the future.

Practical implications: New knowledge of solar PV systems as an innovation in professional construction is collected, enabling the adaptation of management strategies for its implementation. This knowledge can also be applied generally to other challenges encountered in highly systemic innovation implementation. Solar industry actors can gain an understanding of solar-specific challenges for the construction industry, challenges for which they must adapt their activities.

Originality/value: The exploration of actor-specific experiences of solar PV projects has resulted in a novel understanding of this specific innovation and its implementation. The findings illustrate a case of a high level of systemic innovation and the need to use a finer-grained scale for classification when studying innovation in construction. © 2023, Charlotta Winkler.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2024
Innovation, Barriers, Construction, Implementation, Systemic, Solar photovoltaic
National Category
Construction Management
Research subject
Smart Cities and Communities
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-50845 (URN)10.1108/ci-10-2022-0264 (DOI)000948905900001 ()2-s2.0-85150748526 (Scopus ID)
Swedish Energy Agency, 2018-003205
Available from: 2023-06-19 Created: 2023-06-19 Last updated: 2024-04-24Bibliographically approved
Widén, K., Winkler, C., Perez Vico, E. & Brogren, M. (2021). Implementering av solcellsanläggningar i svensk stadsbyggnad – hinder ur ett aktörsperspektiv. Eskilstuna: Energimyndigheten
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Implementering av solcellsanläggningar i svensk stadsbyggnad – hinder ur ett aktörsperspektiv
2021 (Swedish)Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Abstract [sv]

Resurshushållning i kombination med småskalig, egen- och närproducerad el i direkt anslutning till där behoven finns har stor potential för att kraftigt reducera användandet av fossila energikällor. För att säkerställa detta krävs en snabbare ökning av implementering av solelanläggningar liksom andra innovationer i den byggda miljön. Tekniska egenskaper så som exempelvis verkningsgrad och eller teknisk utveckling för att möjliggöra montage eller installation är inte längre hinder för implementering. Tekniken är mogen, finns tillgänglig på marknaden och solcellsprojekt är lönsamma över tid. Ökningen i installerad effekt de senaste åren härrör dock till största del till en ökning av solcellsparker. Den stora potentialen för utbyggnation i den bebyggda miljön kvarstår.

Det övergripande målet med projektet var att identifiera, analysera och finna samband mellan hinder som står i vägen för ökad implementeringstakt av solcellsanläggningar i svenska flerbostadshus och lokaler. Projektet har genomförts i tre arbetspaket; (1) workshopar och intervjuer för att få en grundläggande förståelse för vilka hinder som finns för en generell implementering av solcellsanläggningar i den byggda miljön, (2) verifikationsworkshop och (3) analys av den data som samlats in i de två försa stegen.

Givet antalet aktörer som påverkar implementeringen samt antalet aspekter som måste hanteras, framstår implementeringen av solcellsanläggningar som komplex, vilket är en utmaning. Det är många aspekteter som ska hanteras av flera aktörer och som förändrar deras vedertagna processer eller medför helt nya uppgifter. En annan utmaning som tydligt framkommit är bristen på kunskap, både hos sig själva och hos andra och i alla faser av projekten. Det är dock beställarens kompetens som ses som mest kritisk, framför allt kopplat till förståelsen av hur implementering av solceller påverkar projektprocessen. Kopplat till utmaningarna kring komplexitet och brist på kunskap framkommer ytterligare upplevda utmaningar gällande både byggprocessens genomförande och externa regelverk, som tydligt påverkar implementeringen. Eftersom solceller fortfarande är förhållandevis nytt har kompetensen inte etablerats, vilket i sin tur leder till osäkerhet kring ansvar. Detta blir extra tydligt i den komplexa processen, där många aktörer är involverade.

Avslutningsvis, det finns fortfarande mycket som behöver göras för att förenkla implementering av solcellsanläggningar i byggd miljö. Detta till trots implementeras allt fler solcellsanläggningar i byggd miljö och det går även mot att vara en naturlig del i byggandet.

Abstract [en]

Resource management in combination with small-scale, self-produced and locally produced electricity in direct connection to where the needs are has great potential for greatly reducing the use of fossil energy sources. To ensure this, an increase in the implementation of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems as well as other innovations in the built environment is required. Technical features such as efficiency and / or technical development to enable assembly or installation are no longer obstacles to implementation. The technology is mature, is available on the market and PV projects are profitable over time. However, the increase in installed capacity in recent years is largely due to an increase in photovoltaic parks. The potential for expansion in the built environment remains.

The overall goal of the project was to identify, analyze and find connections between obstacles that stand in the way of an increased pace of implementation of photovoltaic systems in the Swedish built environment. The project has been done through three work packages (1) workshops and interviews to gain a basic understanding of the obstacles that exist for a general implementation of photovoltaic systems in the built environment, (2) verification workshop and (3) analysis of the data collected in the two preceding steps.

Given the number of actors that affect the implementation and the number of aspects that must be managed, the implementation of solar photovoltaic systems appears as complex, which is a challenge. There are many aspects that must be handled by several actors and that change their accepted processes or entail completely new tasks. Another challenge that clearly emerges was the lack of knowledge, both among themselves and among others and in all phases of the projects. However, it is the client's competence that is seen as most critical, mainly linked to the understanding of how the implementation of solar cells affects the project process. Linked to the challenges of complexity and lack of knowledge, further perceived challenges emerge regarding both the construction process and external regulations, which clearly affect implementation. As PV is still relatively new, the competence has not been established, which in turn leads to uncertainty about responsibility. This becomes extra clear in that it is such a complex process with many actors involved.

In conclusion, there is still much that can be done to simplify the implementation of solar photovoltaic systems in built environments. Despite this, an increasing volume of PV systems are being implemented in the built environment and is about to become a natural part of construction.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Eskilstuna: Energimyndigheten, 2021. p. 38
implementering, solel, hinder
National Category
Civil Engineering
Research subject
Smart Cities and Communities
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-49847 (URN)
Swedish Energy Agency, 46375-1
Available from: 2023-01-24 Created: 2023-01-24 Last updated: 2023-03-10Bibliographically approved
Principal InvestigatorWidén, Kristian
Coordinating organisation
Halmstad University
2018-07-02 - 2021-07-01
National Category
Energy Engineering
DiVA, id: project:2691Project, id: P46375-1_Energi

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