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Project type/Form of grant
Project grant
Title [sv]
Framtida värmebehov, etapp två
Title [en]
Future heat demands 2
Abstract [sv]
Inom projektet ska värmeflöden genom fjärrvärmecentraler och dess variationer studeras och metoder för att identifiera fel i fjärrvärmecentraler utvecklas. Syftet är att utveckla tillämpade metoder för automatisk felidentifiering i fjärrvärmecentraler och identifiering av värmeanvändning hos kunderna. Detta kan bidra till resurs- och systemeffektiviseringar i fjärrvärmenäten.
Abstract [en]
This project consider the final year for the industrial PhD student Henrik Gadd of his five year project about future heat demands. The main interest has been directed towards the interfaces between the customer heating systems and the district heating systems.Henrik has so far published two articles in scientific journals about his findings. This project will finance the final two articles. According to the current time schedule, Henrik will defend his thesis in September 2014, and his thesis will be finalised in June 2014. The main purpose with this project is that Henrik Gadd will finalise his PhD studies of heat flows in district heating substations.
Principal InvestigatorWerner, Sven
Coordinating organisation
Halmstad University
2013-11-18 - 2014-09-30
National Category
Energy Engineering
DiVA, id: project:262Project, id: P37905-1_Energi

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