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Project type/Form of grant
Project grant
Title [sv]
Framtida fjärrvärmeteknik
Title [en]
Future district heating technology
Abstract [sv]
Syftet med projektet är visa på förutsättningarna för användning av fjärde generationens fjärrvärmeteknik (4GDH) i Sverige. Med 4GDH kan energikällor med lägre temperaturer såsom solvärme, geotermisk värme och överskottsvärme nyttiggöras i fjärrvärmenäten. Lägre temperaturer bidrar dessutom till minskade förluster i näten samt lägre temperaturfall. Detta bidrar till ökat resursutnyttjande och minskad primärenergianvändning.
Abstract [en]
The future use of fourth generation of district heating technology (4GDH) for extension to and connection of new large new building areas is the primary focus in this project. Gained experiences from international projects about 4GDH will be used. The main purpose with this project is to assess and define the benefits with 4GDH for Swedish district heating companies. Expected results consist of an documentation of the flaws and problems with the current third generation of district heating technology (3GDH) including a description of the corresponding possibilities with 4GDH, some suggestions for use of 4GDH in planned areas with new buildings, and some estimations of marginal primary energy supply for new 4GDH areas within existing district heating systems.
Principal InvestigatorWerner, Sven
Co-InvestigatorAverfalk, Helge
Coordinating organisation
Halmstad University
2016-02-01 - 2017-05-31
National Category
Energy Engineering
DiVA, id: project:228Project, id: P41302-1_Energi

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