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Gustafsson, Kristina, Associate ProfessorORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-0641-7096
Publications (10 of 25) Show all publications
Gustafsson, K. (2015). Vad kultur gör: Om kultur, möten, förväntningar och förändring inom äldreomsorg. Halmstad
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Vad kultur gör: Om kultur, möten, förväntningar och förändring inom äldreomsorg
2015 (Swedish)Report (Refereed)
Abstract [sv]

Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad människor verksamma inom äldreomsorg, chefer, kulturutövare, personal och politiker, gör med kultur, och vad kultur gör med dem och med organisationerna de verkar i. Studien har genomförts i samarbete mellan Region Hallands Kulturförvaltning, Hallands bildningsförbund och Högskolan i Halmstad och har finansierats av Kulturrådet och Region Halland. Studien har genomförts i Hallands sex kommuner. Den metod som använts är etnografisk och består av intervjuer med politiker och personal på olika nivåer inom äldreomsorgen samt observationer och skriftligt material. Kultur syftar på människors estetiska yttringar, både skapandet och åtnjutandet av exempelvis konst, litteratur, teater, dans och musik. Äldreomsorg syftar på de insatser och verksamheter som finns i kommunerna. Dessa har delats in i förebyggande verksamheter som är öppna för alla äldre (som uppnått pensionsålder) och omvårdande verk-samhet som omfattar de äldre som har fått sina vård- och omsorgsbehov biståndsbedömda i form av hemtjänst eller på ett särskilt vårdboende.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Halmstad: , 2015. p. 63
Forskning i Halmstad, ISSN 1400-5409 ; 22
kultur, äldreomsorg
National Category
Cultural Studies
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-27810 (URN)978-91-87045-19-6 (ISBN)
Available from: 2015-02-16 Created: 2015-02-16 Last updated: 2015-08-21Bibliographically approved
Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I. & Norström, E. (2013). Att få vara den man är. In: Maren Bak och Kerstin von Brömssen (Ed.), Barndom och migration: (pp. 277-302). Umeå: Boréa Bokförlag
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Att få vara den man är
2013 (Swedish)In: Barndom och migration / [ed] Maren Bak och Kerstin von Brömssen, Umeå: Boréa Bokförlag, 2013, p. 277-302Chapter in book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Umeå: Boréa Bokförlag, 2013
ensamkommande barn, mottagning, asylsökande, migration, infantilisering, representation
National Category
Humanities Social Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-21511 (URN)978-91-89140-82-0 (ISBN)
Available from: 2013-02-18 Created: 2013-02-18 Last updated: 2015-08-21Bibliographically approved
Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I. & Norström, E. (2012). Att tolka för barn: Tolkars erfarenhet. Barnbladet: Tidskrift för Sveriges Barnsjuksköterskor, 37(1), 18-20
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Att tolka för barn: Tolkars erfarenhet
2012 (Swedish)In: Barnbladet: Tidskrift för Sveriges Barnsjuksköterskor, ISSN 0349-1994, Vol. 37, no 1, p. 18-20Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)) Published
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Västerås: SHSTF:s rikssektion för sjuksköterskor i öppen och sluten barnavård och barnsjukvård, 2012
National Category
Other Humanities
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-19174 (URN)
Available from: 2012-07-30 Created: 2012-07-30 Last updated: 2015-08-21Bibliographically approved
Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I. & Norström, E. (2012). Between empowerment and powerlessness: Separated minors in Sweden. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2012(136), 65-77
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Between empowerment and powerlessness: Separated minors in Sweden
2012 (English)In: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, ISSN 1520-3247, E-ISSN 1534-8687, Vol. 2012, no 136, p. 65-77Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This article analyzes the migration experiences of thirteen separated minors who arrived in Sweden between 1943 and 2008. Using the framework of "dislocation" and the "liberated self," this chapter shows that the experiences of separated minors are shaped in the intersection between contexts and conditions of transnational migration and the Swedish reception system. Their efforts to continue living based on the past and building a new life during a period of transition between different countries and between childhood and adulthood can be described as "a life on hold." The paradox that migration serves simultaneously to empower and render children powerless is discussed.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass Inc., 2012
asylum-seekers, reception system, separated minors, Sweden, the liberated self
National Category
Humanities Other Humanities
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-19172 (URN)10.1002/cad.20011 (DOI)22689524 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-84862191233 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2012-07-30 Created: 2012-07-30 Last updated: 2017-12-07Bibliographically approved
Gustafsson, K., Norström, E. & Fioretos, I. (2012). Community Interpreter Training in Spoken Languages in Sweden. International Journal of Interpreter Education, 4(2), 24-38
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Community Interpreter Training in Spoken Languages in Sweden
2012 (English)In: International Journal of Interpreter Education, E-ISSN 2150-5772, Vol. 4, no 2, p. 24-38Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of this article is to analyze the community interpreter training program in Sweden and, based on the results of two research projects, describe structural conditions and shortcomings. The authors discuss Sweden’s laws and regulations, the changing demand for interpreting service in society, the open access ideology within adult education associations, and the limitation of economic resources for fulfilling the demand for trained interpreters. Interpreter training in Sweden is built on public-service needs in the areas of social insurance, the labor market, health care, and court interpreting. It is focused on factual knowledge and terminology and devotes little time for developing aspects of ethical rules, the role of the interpreter, and technical issues. In order to make progress possible it is important to use existing research and theory to develop didactics for community interpreting training. © The authors and CIT

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
San Diego, CA: Conference of Interpreter Trainers, 2012
interpreter training programs, community interpreting, ethics, technique, didactics, theory
National Category
Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-19909 (URN)
Available from: 2012-11-01 Created: 2012-11-01 Last updated: 2023-11-23Bibliographically approved
Gustafsson, K. (2012). Recension. Rosa den farliga färgen av Fanny Ambjörnsson [Review]. RIG: Kulturhistorisk tidskrift (4), 252-254
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Recension. Rosa den farliga färgen av Fanny Ambjörnsson
2012 (Swedish)In: RIG: Kulturhistorisk tidskrift, ISSN 0035-5267, E-ISSN 2002-3863, no 4, p. 252-254Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)) Published
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Lund: Föreningen för Svensk Kulturhistoria, 2012
National Category
Other Humanities
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-21429 (URN)
Available from: 2013-02-08 Created: 2013-02-08 Last updated: 2017-04-25Bibliographically approved
Gustafsson, K. (2012). To recieve unaccompanied children with grace and knowledge. In: : . Paper presented at Colloque international: LES MINEURS NON ACCOMPAGNES ET SANS PROTECTION EN EUROPE: Quelles raisons expliquent leur manque de protection?, Poitiers, France, 22-24 octobre 2012 – International Conference: UNPROTECTED UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN IN EUROPE: What reasons lead to their lack of protection?, Poitiers, France, 22-24 October, 2012.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>To recieve unaccompanied children with grace and knowledge
2012 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation only (Refereed)
National Category
International Migration and Ethnic Relations
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-19910 (URN)
Colloque international: LES MINEURS NON ACCOMPAGNES ET SANS PROTECTION EN EUROPE: Quelles raisons expliquent leur manque de protection?, Poitiers, France, 22-24 octobre 2012 – International Conference: UNPROTECTED UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN IN EUROPE: What reasons lead to their lack of protection?, Poitiers, France, 22-24 October, 2012
Available from: 2012-11-01 Created: 2012-11-01 Last updated: 2017-04-27Bibliographically approved
Norström, E., Fioretos, I. & Gustafsson, K. (2012). Working conditions of community interpreters in Sweden: Opportunities and shortcomings. Interpreting, 14(2), 242-260
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Working conditions of community interpreters in Sweden: Opportunities and shortcomings
2012 (English)In: Interpreting, ISSN 1384-6647, E-ISSN 1569-982X, Vol. 14, no 2, p. 242-260Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of this article is to describe and analyse the working conditions of interpreters and interpreting services in Sweden. An understanding of interpreters' working conditions is a key to such factors as the management of resources, the reading and implementation of legislation, the organisation of interpreting services and the performance of interpreters in different situations. An understanding of interpreters' working conditions is also important in understanding how multiculturalism and multilingualism are viewed on a national scale in Sweden. This review of the working conditions of interpreters is based on material from two joint research projects, which appear to indicate that interpreters as a group have much to say and often reflect on their work and working conditions. The interpreters participating in this study often demonstrated a strong commitment to professionalism. At the same time, however, many of the reflections recorded for this study were about things that undermine professionalism: bad working conditions, low pay, the feeling of being "as replaceable as potatoes", and the feeling that the social status of interpreters is low. In analysing the consequences of working conditions we have found a tension between professionalism and deprofessionalisation. This tension has consequences for the rule of law and integration.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2012
working conditions, interpreting services, interpreter training, authorisation, procurement
National Category
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-19461 (URN)10.1075/intp.14.2.06nor (DOI)000308208600006 ()2-s2.0-84865855368 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2012-09-04 Created: 2012-09-04 Last updated: 2017-12-07Bibliographically approved
Gustafsson, K. (2011). At the Hither Side of the Future [Review]. Ethnologia Scandinavica, 41, 168-170
Open this publication in new window or tab >>At the Hither Side of the Future
2011 (English)In: Ethnologia Scandinavica, ISSN 0348-9698, Vol. 41, p. 168-170Article, book review (Other academic) Published
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Lund: Folklivsarkivet, 2011
ethnicity, gender, boys, compulsory school, power, equality
National Category
Other Humanities
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-19173 (URN)

[Recension på] René León Rosales, Vid framtidens hitesta gräns. Om maskulina elevpositioner i en multietnisk skola. Mångkulturellt centrum, Botkyrka 2010. 342 pp. English summary. Diss. ISBN 978-91-86429-03-4.

Available from: 2012-07-30 Created: 2012-07-30 Last updated: 2024-07-04Bibliographically approved
Gustafsson, K., Norström, E. & Fioretos, I. (2011). Interpreters in Sweden: A tool for Equal Rights?. Gramma. Journal of Theory and Criticism, 19, 59-75
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Interpreters in Sweden: A tool for Equal Rights?
2011 (English)In: Gramma. Journal of Theory and Criticism, ISSN 1106-1170, Vol. 19, p. 59-75Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2011
Interpreters, interpreting, interpreter services, equal rights, professionalism, children
National Category
urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-19462 (URN)
Available from: 2012-09-04 Created: 2012-09-04 Last updated: 2017-12-07Bibliographically approved
ORCID iD: ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-0641-7096

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